- Dab1 (Disable homolog-1) reelin adaptor protein is overexpressed in the olfactory bulb at early postnatal stages.
Dab1 (Disable homolog-1) reelin adaptor protein is overexpressed in the olfactory bulb at early postnatal stages.
Dab1 mediates reelin signalling and plays critical roles in early brain development such as the stereotypical positioning of neurons in the brain. The olfactory bulb undergoes a prominent layering reorganization, but shows not apparent differences between wild type and reeler in the layer organization. Therefore, an accurate regional and cellular simultaneous analysis of these molecules becomes essential to clarify the role played by Dab1 upon Reelin effect. The present study reveals a strong and consistent Dab1 mRNA and protein expressions, throughout the olfactory bulb layers in both wild type and reeler mice. In addition, noteworthy is the pattern of Dab1 location within cell nuclei in both strains. Furthermore, a temporal increment of Dab1 expression levels is detected from P0 to P15 in both strains, being the protein quantity higher in reeler than in wild type mice. Altogether, our results revealed that Reln acts directly from projection neurons via the production of different Reln fragments. Changes in the pattern of Dab1 expression could reflect an alternative Reln function in postnatal and adult stages, besides a possible regulation of Dab1 by other molecules distinct to Reln.