Upon opening the ampule and removing Triton X from the vial, it is assumed that air will enter the vial, displacing the inert gas (typically either argon or nitrogen). However, there is no way to determine which inert gas is used on a lot-to-lot basis. Argon, being heavier than air, will be displaced by air more slowly than nitrogen. Nevertheless, there have been no studies conducted to document how much argon remains in the ampule after the vial is opened. As the ampule cannot be resealed once broken, it is best assumed that the Triton X needs to be transferred to smaller, more appropriate size containers that minimize air space above the Triton X.
Once air enters the vial, aldehydes and peroxides are expected to start forming. This is the distinguishing factor of Protein Grade Triton X from standard grades, which are not packaged under inert gas.
If the entire 50 ml is not needed for a single use, it is advisable to transfer the unused Triton X to vials that are filled to capacity. Excluding air from the vial should prolong the period of usability for the product.