the Wright Giemsa Modified solution is intended for staining peripheral blood or bone marrow smears, without mention of staining tissue sections. If staining smears, simply complete the staining procedure as directed in the IFU, then store the dried slides in a slide folder or box without coverslipping, as coverslipping is not recommended and is not a common practice in hospital settings.
For long-term storage, slides are typically stored in slide file cabinets, and oil immersion is usually not required. However, if slides need to be viewed under oil immersion, a coverslip can be placed atop the stained slide, and once viewed, the coverslip can be removed and discarded. Any excess oil can be absorbed using a Kimwipe or tissue paper without wiping, as wiping may remove stained cells from the slide.
Although no formal studies have been conducted to determine the longevity of stained slides, it is expected that the staining should be adequate for several weeks or months. For longer retention, it is suggested to take pictures of several fields from the slides for archival purposes.