Biomatrica® Offers an Innovative Alternative to Reliance on Cold Chain Logistics

Biomatrica products enable researchers in academia, pharmaceutical drug development, and molecular diagnostics to stabilize ship and store biological samples for long periods of time with complete and rapid sample recovery, all at very affordable costs. Its SampleMatrix® proprietary core technology stabilizes and protects biological materials at room temperature without degradation.

We are committed to bringing you Greener Alternative Products, which adhere to one or more of The 12 Principles of Greener Chemistry. This product was Designed for Energy Efficiency. To see how Stanford incorporated Biomatrica Technology and saved substantial amounts of energy, see their published study:
Biomatrica technology enables safe storage of biological material at room temperature.
Consistent sample maintenance allows for experimental reproducibility, and therefore ensures reliability, speeds time to results, greatly reduces costs, and is an environmentally sustainable alternative to all forms of cold storage. This technology can be applied to thousands of currently available products in the biotechnology, diagnostics and pharmaceutical industries, and has direct applications for billions of samples generated from genome mapping, and sample archiving used for research into personalized medicine and forensics.

Stabilize and archive gDNA at Room Temperature
DNAstable® offers long-term preservation and stabilization of purified gDNA samples at room temperature in a dry-down matrix format. Available in single tubes, well plates (96 & 384) and tube-plates (96).
- DNAstable® Trial Kit
- DNAstable® Tube Kit
- DNAstable® 96-Well Plate
- DNAstable® Blood, trial kit
- DNAstable® Blood LD, 10 mL bottle
- DNAstable® Blood LD, 100 mL bottle

Stabilize and archive gDNA at Room Temperature
Liquid-based preservative of purified gDNA with optional dry-down for longer storage time. Available as a liquid-based stabilizer in bottles (2 mL & 10 mL). Highly amenable to automation and high throughput workflows.
- DNAstable® Plus 2 mL
- DNAstable® Plus 10 mL

Collect, Ship and Store Tissues & Cells at Room Temperature
DNAgard® offers immediate stabilization of DNA from intact cells and tissues with the convenience of room temperature shipping, processing and storage. The liquid storage reagent rapidly permeates cell membranes to stabilize and protect genomic DNA.
- DNAgard® Tissue Trial Kit
- DNAgard® Tissue 100 mL bottle
- DNAgard® Blood, 10 mL bottle
- DNAgard® Blood, 50 mL bottle
- DNAgard® Blood, 100 mL bottle

Preserve and Store RNA at Room Temperature
RNAstable® offers long-term preservation of purified total RNA, mRNA, miRNA, siRNA and poly(A) RNA samples at room temperature.
- RNAstable® Trial Kit
- RNAstable® Tube Kit
- RNAstable® 96-Well Plate
- RNAstable® LD (2 mL)

Preserve and Store Bacterial DNA
CloneStable® enables the long-term storage of unpurified bacterial plasmid and genomic DNA. DNA recovery is as simple as adding water.
- CloneStable® Tube Kit
Don’t see what you are looking for? Custom stabilization services for molecular diagnostic assay and reagent manufacturers are available directly through Biomatrica.
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