- Pharmacological therapies for muscular dystrophies.
Pharmacological therapies for muscular dystrophies.
The study reviews recent advances in pharmacological management of muscular dystrophies. Similarities and differences among the pathophysiology of different forms of muscular dystrophy lead to a broad array of approaches to provide new treatments. In this review, we include only those muscular dystrophies for which advances have been published in the past year. This represents the 'advancing edge' of a large body of research over more than 20 years. This runs the gamut of new discoveries in symptomatic management to mutation-specific strategies that attempt to correct the root cause of the disorder. The field of pharmacological therapies for the muscular dystrophies continues to steadily advance. It is encouraging that research into new therapies is increasingly exploring pharmacological strategies with the potential to ameliorate disease pathology to a clinically significant degree.