- Cytological demonstration of DNA synthesis inhibition at late S by 5-amino-uracil.
Cytological demonstration of DNA synthesis inhibition at late S by 5-amino-uracil.
Experimental cell research (1983-10-15)
F Cortés, P Escalza, M D Sosa, J L López-Campos
Meristematic cells of Allium cepa were treated with 5-amino-uracil (5-AU) while incorporating 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) into DNA until complete inhibition of mitosis was obtained. The pattern of BrdU substitution in interphase nuclei detected by FPG technique in the cells so treated was that known as corresponding to BrdU incorporation in only early and middle replicating DNA. In addition, when the cells were allowed to reach mitosis in the absence of BrdU after the synchronization induced by 5-AU all the metaphase chromosomes showed, likewise, the typical late-replicating pattern. These results are a cytological demonstration of a preferential inhibition of late-replicating DNA synthesis by 5-AU proposed by several authors.