- Expression profile of inflammatory cytokines in aqueous from glaucomatous eyes.
Expression profile of inflammatory cytokines in aqueous from glaucomatous eyes.
To determine the proinflammatory cytokine profile of aqueous humor from glaucomatous eyes. Aqueous humor samples were prospectively collected from 38 eyes (26 primary open angle glaucoma [POAG] and 12 primary angle closure glaucoma [PACG] eyes) of 37 medically treated glaucoma patients and 23 cataract subjects recruited in an institutional setting in this case-controlled study. The main outcome measure was to quantify the levels of 29 inflammatory cytokines in the aqueous of glaucoma and cataract subjects using a multiplexed cytokine analysis. Data on patient demographics, duration of glaucoma, preoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) as well as duration of anti-glaucoma therapy were also collected for correlation analysis. Mean duration of glaucoma was 53.8 months (range 1-360 months). Aqueous obtained from the glaucoma patients showed increased concentration of interleukin (IL)-9 (p=0.032), IL-12 (p=0.003), interferon (IFN)-α (p=0.034), IFN-γ (p=0.002), monokine induced by interferon-gamma (MIG or CXCL9) (p=0.006), and IL-10 (p=0.050), compared to the cataract group. The POAG group had higher IL-12 (p=0.011), IFN-γ (p=0.005), and CXCL9 (p=0.047) levels than controls, while the PACG group had higher interleukin-8 (CXCL8) (p=0.015) and CXCL9 (p=0.023) levels than the controls. No significant correlation was observed between aqueous cytokine level and preoperative IOP and duration of glaucoma. Duration of topical Timolol and Alphagan therapy correlated negatively with CXCL8 (r=-0.588, p=0.035), respectively. Primary glaucoma is associated with an aqueous inflammatory response and this is different between POAG and PACG groups. Duration of glaucoma treatment may have an effect on cytokine profile in the aqueous.