- [The intracellular metabolism of neutrophils under different forms of ischemic heart disease].
[The intracellular metabolism of neutrophils under different forms of ischemic heart disease].
The article deals with the results of study of the intracellular metabolism of neutrophils in 96 patients including 56 (58.3%) patients with ischemic heart disease. It is established that in patients with ischemic heart disease as compared with patients without ischemic heart disease occurs the increase of neutrophils producing of active forms of oxygen against the background of decrease of intracellular activity of catalase and increase of concentration of lactate in phagocytes. Under severing of ischemic heart disease from unstable stenocardia to cardiac infarction the activation of oxygen-depending metabolism of neutrophils conditioned by increase of concentration of immune complexes circulating in blood was not compensated by increasing of intracellular activity of enzymes of system of antioxidant defense. The maximum activation of NAD(F)N-oxidase of neutrophils (production of superoxide anion-radical) was detected in patients with cardiac infarction with Q-wave. This condition was accompanied by maximal increase of concentration of lactate in phagocytes up to twice higher exceed the level of indicators in patients without ischemic heart disease. It can be assumed that in conditions of acute hypoxia occurring under myocardium ischemia in patients with ischemic heart disease, the lactate production increases in neutrophils hence the triggering of development of intracellular acidosis, impact of oxygen-depending factors and phagocytes destruction.