Staining Kits and Solutions for Hematological Differentiation and Diagnostics
In 1891, Romanowsky successfully used methylene blue solution to detect malarial parasites in blood. Incidentally, he noticed that white blood cells were also brilliantly colored by the solution. Romanowsky found that staining was improved when methylene blue reagent was aged and formed a surface film. Over the next decade, many variations of Romanowsky’s original stain were proposed, and in 1902, Wright and Giemsa separately proposed Romanowsky formulations of their own that remain popular to this day.
Today, stain technology has advanced from Romanowsky’s vintage solution to synthetically prepared reagents that have a more predictable behavior. We offer a complete range of chemically defined and precisely formulated staining solutions, including Wright and Giemsa stains, that perform optimally and consistently for hematological differentiation and diagnostics. All of our products are ready to use, IVD-registered, CE-certified, and undergo comprehensive quality controls. Assured high quality, long shelf life and batch-to-batch consistency gives you definitive and reproducible results to facilitate your hematology testing, even in difficult diagnostic cases.

Hematological Staining Solutions & Kits
Reliably differentiate and diagnose blood and bone marrow samples with your preferred protocol by selecting from our full range of high quality hematological staining solutions.
Find Giemsa, Wright, Wright-Giemsa, Leishman, or May-Grünwald staining reagents, including azure eosin methylene blue and Brilliant cresyl blue. Other popular products including our Fetal Hemoglobin Kit, Leucognost® Leukemia Detection Kits and our Iron and Reticulocyte Stains.
Hemacolor® Rapid Staining
Our sophisticated Hemacolor® range can help you to quickly stain and differentiate blood smears. Whether manually performed or automated, Hemacolor® solutions and kits allow you to efficiently achieve the brilliance and reproducibility of Pappenheim staining in only 30 seconds.
- Hemacolor® Solutions and Kits contain buffer tablets plus 3 ready-to-use, highly stable solutions (fixing, red, and blue solutions)
- Individual Hemacolor® rapid staining solutions are also available
- Auto-Hemacolor® stain system was designed for automatic blood and bone marrow smear staining in conjunction with Hematek® slide stainer (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics). Staining is due to azure, an alkaline dye, that binds the cell’s acidic elements (e.g. chromatin, spongioplasm), while eosin, an acidic dye, binds to the alkaline constituents (e.g. cytoplasm)
Cytochemical Reagents & Kits
Cytochemistry stains are a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of various leukemias. We have pioneered the technique of cytochemically demonstrating numerous medically important cellular enzymes by commercially introducing stabilized diazonium salts and substituted naphthol substrates. We have also introduced stabilized base solutions (Fast Red Violet LB base, Fast Blue BB base and Fast Garnet GBC base) that allow you to easily adjust working reagent volumes according to your needs. All our kits are provided in convenient, easy-to-use formats and may be used for clinical and research purposes.
LEUCOGNOST® Cytochemical Reagents
Localize cell components and assay enzymatic activity in blood using our complete range of ready-to-use cytochemical staining reagents. These high-quality solutions enable reliable and optimal visualization of enzyme cytochemistry and pathological changes in a patient’s blood. Diagnose and stage leukemia by monitoring peroxidase, esterase and phosphatase reactions, or detect free ionic iron to assess hemochromatosis, asbestosis or bone marrow diseases.
- LEUCOGNOST® staining kits enable the differential diagnosis of leukemia through the semi-quantitative localization and activity detection of enzyme systems in the cytoplasm of leukemia cells; Specific kits are available to determine the activity of alkaline leukocyte phosphatase and to detect PAS (periodic acid-Schiff), peroxidase, specific esterase (NASDCL), and acid phosphatase reactions.
- HEMATOGNOST Fe® Kit detects free ionic iron (Fe3+) in cells via the Prussian blue (Berlin blue) reaction: Ionic iron (Fe3+) not bound to heme reacts with potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) in aqueous hydrochloric acid solution causing iron to precipitate as an insoluble complex salt in blood, bone marrow or tissue cells. Specimens are then counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red solution to optimize visual differentiation. The reaction is used to diagnose conditions such as hemochromatosis, asbestosis or bone marrow diseases.
Auxiliaries for Hematology
Ensure proper fixation and mounting of your hematological specimens, and achieve stable and reproducible results with the help of our wide and sophisticated portfolio of auxiliary products. Phosphate buffer tablets let you easily produce pH-stable rinsing solutions, and immersion oils with excellent refractive properties increase the effectiveness of your lens.
Find everything you require to prepare, fix, stain, store and mount your hematological specimens:
- Buffer tablets for the preparation of rinsing solutions
- Immersion oils for high-magnification microscopy
- Aqueous and non-aqueous mounting media and mounting agent
- Other Hematology and Histology Lab Accessories
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