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HomeCancer ResearchAuthenticated Lung Cancer Cell Lines for Cancer Research

Authenticated Lung Cancer Cell Lines for Cancer Research

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death. Patients are frequently diagnosed at an advanced stage due to a relative lack of clinical symptoms. Lung cancer accounts for 13.2% of all new cancers and 25.9% of all cancer deaths each year. The overall five-year survival rate of lung cancer is lowest (18.1%) when compared to most other cancers1, but prognosis varies dramatically with pathological classification, disease stage, and patient demographics such as gender and age at diagnosis.

Types of lung cancer

The pathological classification of lung cancer is evolving. It is currently histopathologically classified into small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)—which includes squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.  NSCLC, sometimes referred to as large cell lung carcinoma, accounts for the majority (85%) of lung cancer diagnoses.

NSCLC (Frequency: 85%)SCLC (Frequency: 15%)
Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Arises from the proximal airway; more closely correlated with smoking than other NSCLC
  • Origin: Bronchial epithelium cells that line airways
  • Arise from the distal airway; dominant subtype in nonsmoking patients
  • Origin: mucus-producing glands and cells
Small-cell lung cancer
  • Arises from neuroendocrine cells due to heavy carcinogen exposure.
  • Origin: Tracheal basal cell progenitors, pulmonary neuroendocrine cells2

Risk factors

The incidence of lung cancer is declining in developed countries, due in part to smoking education and regulation. Incidence rates are rising, however, in less developed countries. That 80% of men and 50% of women with lung cancer are smokers demonstrates smoking as the lifestyle risk factor. Environmental risk factors include passive smoke exposure, air pollution, and other sources of particulate inhalation.


Genetic predisposition amplifies the risk of lung cancer, and lung adenocarcinoma is more associated than other histotypes with genetic factors. The most frequently reported somatic mutations in lung cancer are in the genes for TP53, LRP1B, KRAS, KEAP1, KMT2C, FAT4, CDKN2A, EGFR, and FAT2.

Select cell lines from the table below based on mutation, and click on genes to find relevant products (antibodies, shRNA, siRNA, primers, CRISPR plasmids) for your research application.

Small molecules/monoclonal antibodies

Small molecule compounds and antibodies can be used to target specific cancer cells and block tumor growth and progression. The most common drugs used to target lung cancer include:


Cancer cell lines have been at the heart of cancer research, and provide an accessible, cost-effective model for cellular behavior and response. Based on the characteristics of the cell line and experimental need, cell lines may be used in one or more applications. Some examples of application-specific use for cell lines associated with lung cancer are included below.

ApplicationCell line used
Drug response studiesPC-9, a lung adenocarcinoma cell line employed to study effects of small molecule inhibitors
Target identification/validationA549, a cell line model of NSCLC used to evaluate the role of CCL22 and IL-37 in epithelial-mesenchymal transition3
Toxicology studiesCellular toxicity of carbon-based nanomaterials was tested in CALU-1 and other lung cancer cell lines4
Growth factor signalingNCI-H292 (human airway epithelium cells) were employed to study the role of cigarette smoking in the pathogenesis of COPD5
Metastasis studiesHuman small cell lung cancer cell line DMS273 was used as a model to study metastasis6
Xenograft modelsEffect of ganetespib/erlotinib therapy was evaluated in non-small cell lung cancer (NCI-H322) xenograft tumors7
In vitro modelsBEAS-2B cell lines derived from human bronchial epithelial cells were used as in vitro models to study carcinogenesis of heavy metals8
miRNA regulation studiesThe biological role of miR-223 was investigated in PC-9  cell line9

ECACC Lung Cancer Cell Lines

Product No.Cell NameCell Line Origin
86012804A549Human Caucasian lung carcinoma
10092305AB1Mouse malignant mesothelioma
10092306AB12Mouse malignant mesothelioma
10092307AB22Mouse malignant mesothelioma
10092308AC29Mouse malignant mesothelioma
10092310AE17Mouse malignant mesothelioma
6032203BICR 3Alveolus squamous cell carcinoma
4072111BICR 78Oral alveolus squamous carcinoma
93120818CALU 1Human Caucasian lung epidermoid carcinoma
96020948ChaGo-K-1Human lung bronchus carcinoma
10032301CMT 64Mouse lung carcinoma; metastasis
86082105CMT64/61Mouse C57BL/1CRF lung carcinoma
10032302CMT 167 (clone of CMT 64)Mouse lung carcinoma; metastasis
87061209COLO 668Human lung oat cell carcinoma
96042336COR-L 23/CPRHuman Caucasian lung, large cell carcinoma
92031919COR-L23Human Caucasian lung large cell carcinoma
96042338COR-L23/5010Human Caucasian lung, large cell carcinoma, drug resistant
96042339COR-L23/RHuman Caucasian lung large cell carcinoma
96020740COR-L26Human large cell lung cancer bone marrow aspirate
92031918COR-L105Human Caucasian lung adenocarcinoma
96020724COR-L279Human lung small cell carcinoma
96020722COR-L303Human lung small cell carcinoma
96020721COR-L311Human lung small cell carcinoma
92031915COR-L47Human Caucasian small cell lung carcinoma
92031916COR-L51Human Caucasian lung carcinoma
92031917COR-L88Human Caucasian lung small cell carcinoma
96020733COR-L95Human lung small cell carcinoma
95062823DMS 53Human Caucasian lung small cell carcinoma
95062824DMS 79Human lung small cell carcinoma
95062825DMS 92Human Caucasian lung small cell carcinoma, metastasis to bone marrow
95062827DMS 153Human Caucasian lung small cell carcinoma, metastasis to liver
95062830DMS 273Human lung, small cell carcinoma
95062832DMS 454Human Caucasian lung, small cell carcinoma
6092006H400Human oral squamous cell carcinoma, alveolar process
91091802H69Human Caucasian lung small cell carcinoma
91091803H69VHuman lung small cell carcinoma
10092309JU77Human malignant mesothelioma
90040512LA-4Mouse A/He lung adenoma
94072247LC-2/adHuman lung adenocarcinoma
90020104LL/2(LLc1)Mouse C57BL Lewis lung carcinoma
10092311LO68Human malignant mesothelioma
92012463LUDLU-1Human Caucasian lung squamous cell carcinoma
90062272Meta 7Mouse TS/A lung metastases
90062271Meta 10Mouse TS/A lung metastases
90062270Meta 15Mouse TS/A lung metastases
86020603MiCL1 (S+L-)Mink lung, Moloney murine sarcoma virus infected
84112312MORHuman lung adenocarcinoma
96042335MOR/0.2RHuman lung adenocarcinoma, drug-resistant
96042334MOR/0.4RHuman lung adenocarcinoma, drug-resistant
96042328NCI-H69/CPRHuman small cell lung cancer, drug-resistant
96042331NCI-H69/LX10Human small cell lung cancer, drug-resistant
96042332NCI-H69/LX20Human Caucasian small cell lung carcinoma
96042329NCI-H69/LX4Human Caucasian small cell lung carcinoma, drug-resistant
96042330NCI-H69VCR/RHuman small cell lung cancer, drug-resistant
96042333MOR/CPRHuman lung adenocarcinoma, drug-resistant
91091815NCI-H292Human lung, mucoepidermoid carcinoma
95111734NCI-H322Human Caucasian bronchioalveolar carcinoma
95111733NCI-H358Human Caucasian bronchioalveolar carcinoma
96020944NCI-H510AHuman lung carcinoma, adrenal gland metastasis
94060303NCI-H727Human lung non-small cell carcinoma
90071810PC-14Human adenocarcinoma, differentiated
98110201SHP-77Human Caucasian lung small cell carcinoma, large cell variant
93120835SK LU 1Human Caucasian lung adenocarcinoma
93120837SK MES 1Human Caucasian lung squamous carcinoma
85011440U937Human Caucasian histiocytic lymphoma
87020406V79-HG04Hamster Chinese embyro lung fibroblast transformed


Cancer Stat Facts: Lung and Bronchus Cancer. [Internet]. Available from:
Onaitis M, Hanna J. 2013. Cell of origin of lung cancer. J Carcinog. 12(1):6.
Chen Y, Zhou B, Wu X, Xu J, Zhang J, Chen Y, Liang S. 2016. CCL22 and IL-37 inhibit the proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition process of NSCLC A549 cells. 36(4):2017-2024.
Magrez A, Kasas S, Salicio V, Pasquier N, Seo JW, Celio M, Catsicas S, Schwaller B, Forró L. 2006. Cellular Toxicity of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials. Nano Lett.. 6(6):1121-1125.
Shao MXG, Nakanaga T, Nadel JA. 2004. Cigarette smoke induces MUC5AC mucin overproduction via tumor necrosis factor-?-converting enzyme in human airway epithelial (NCI-H292) cells. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 287(2):L420-L427.
Sakamoto S, Inoue H, Ohba S, Kohda Y, Usami I, Masuda T, Kawada M, Nomoto A. 2015. New metastatic model of human small?cell lung cancer by orthotopic transplantation in mice. Cancer Sci. 106(4):367-374.
Smith DL, Acquaviva J, Sequeira M, Jimenez J, Zhang C, Sang J, Bates RC, Proia DA. 2015. The HSP90 inhibitor ganetespib potentiates the antitumor activity of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibition in mutant and wild-type non-small cell lung cancer. Targ Oncol. 10(2):235-245.
Park Y, Kim D, Dai J, Zhang Z. 2015. Human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells, an appropriate in vitro model to study heavy metals induced carcinogenesis. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 287(3):240-245.
ZHAO F, HAN J, CHEN X, WANG J, WANG X, SUN J, CHEN Z. 2016. miR-223 enhances the sensitivity of non-small cell lung cancer cells to erlotinib by targeting the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. 38(1):183-191.
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