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HomeSmall Molecules Analysis & Quality Control (QC)Piroxicam Capsules-Assay and Organic Impurities Following United States Pharmacopoeia Pending Forum Method

Piroxicam Capsules-Assay and Organic Impurities Following United States Pharmacopoeia Pending Forum Method

Dr Sanjay Poman,
Mumbai Application Laboratory


Piroxicam (Figure 1) is an oxicam NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and is used to relieve the symptoms of painful inflammatory conditions like arthritis.1

A simple, precise, and sensitive reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) gradient method (Table 1) using an Ascentis® Express C18 column was adopted for the assay and organic impurities analysis of Piroxicam capsules as part of method modernization from the USP-NF.2 The method was assessed in relation to USP general chapters <621>, <1225>, and <1226>.

Chemical structure of Piroxicam

Figure 1.Chemical structure of Piroxicam

Piroxicam Capsules Assay And System Suitability Test


Table 1.Chromatographic conditions



Chromatographic blank run

Figure 2.Chromatographic blank run.

Chromatogram of a piroxicam standard solution (0.1 mg/mL).

Figure 3.Chromatogram of a piroxicam standard solution (0.1 mg/mL).

Chromatographic Data for Standard Solution

Chromatogram of piroxicam sample solution (0.1 mg/mL)

Figure 4.Chromatogram of piroxicam sample solution (0.1 mg/mL)

Chromatographic Data for Sample Solution

Table 2.Repeatability Standard Solution 0.1 mg/mL piroxicam

System Suitability Requirements

Table 3.System Suitability - USP Specification and observed values for piroxicam Standard Solution (0.1 mg/mL) using the Ascentis® Express C18 column

Organic Impurities Analysis of Piroxicam Capsules

Chromatogram of the piroxicam sensitivity solution (0.5 µg/mL).

Figure 5.Chromatogram of the piroxicam sensitivity solution (0.5 µg/mL).

Chromatographic Data - Sensitivity Solution

Chromatogram standard solution (2 µg/mL piroxicam and impurity A at 10 µg/mL).

Figure 6.Chromatogram standard solution (2 µg/mL piroxicam and impurity A at 10 µg/mL).

Chromatographic Data – System Suitability Solution

Chromatographic separation of standard solution organic impurities with piroxicam and impurity B

Figure 7.Chromatographic separation of standard solution organic impurities with 1 mg/mL piroxicam and impurity B at 10 µg/mL.

Chromatographic Data - Standard Solution Organic Impurities

System Suitability Requirements*

Table 4.System Suitability Organic Impurities* - USP Specification and observed values for the using the Ascentis® Express C18 column
* %RSD for piroxicam and piroxicam related compound A standard solution was not determined.
Calibration curve for piroxicam.

Figure 8.Calibration curve for piroxicam.

Table 5.Calibration Data - Piroxicam
Calibration curve for impurity A.

Figure 9.Calibration curve for impurity A.

Table 6.Calibration Data- Piroxicam Impurity A
Calibration curve for impurity B.

Figure 10.Calibration curve for impurity B.

Table 7.Calibration Data- Piroxicam Impurity B


A sensitive, stability indicating gradient reversed-phase HPLC method has been developed for the quantitative estimation of piroxicam (assay) and organic impurities in a dosage form. System suitability criteria mentioned in the USP monograph for reference standard as well as the test solution of piroxicam dosage form were found to be in compliance with % RSD and tailing factor parameters for the assay. The developed method was found to be linear for piroxicam up to 120 µg/mL with LOD of 4.2 µg/mL and LOQ of 12.9 µg/mL. For the organic impurity A linearity was assessed up to 12 µg/mL with LOD and LOQ at 0.4 and 1.3 µg/mL respectively, for impurity B also up to 12 µg/mL with LOD and LOQ at 0.37 and 1.1 µg/mL respectively. The relative retention times for impurities A and B are in agreement with the RRT values mentioned in the USP monograph. %RSD for piroxicam and piroxicam related compound A standard solution was not determined. The method can be applied for related substances study of piroxicam dosage form using the Ascentis® Express C18 HPLC column.

See other technical articles regarding USP methods.

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Piroxicam (oral route). [Internet].[updated 05 Oct 2023; cited 16 Oct 2023]. Available from:
United States Pharmacopeia (2022). USP Monographs, Piroxicam.(USP-NF. Rockville, MD: United States Pharmacopeia).
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