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HomeWebinarsPooling Samples in Microbiological Food Analysis

Pooling Samples in Microbiological Food Analysis


Sampling plans usually include the analysis of several units per lot (n=5; n=10, etc.). Analytical workload and cost can be optimized through the analysis of multiple test portions at the same time without compromising food safety and sampling plans.

However, pooling can only be applied provided validation/verification studies demonstrate equivalent results and the risk of false negative has not been increased.

This webinar explains the different types of sample pooling (e.g. dry or wet pooling), benefits and limitations. Validation data, protocols and potential applications are shown with practical examples.


David Tomás Fornés

David Tomás Fornés


Application Specialist

David is an application specialist at MilliporeSigma. He is an expert in several ISO technical committees that develop reference methods for food microbiology.

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