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HomeWebinarsFood Microbiology Regulatory Update: New & Revised ISO 11133 and ISO 17410 Standards

Food Microbiology Regulatory Update: New & Revised ISO 11133 and ISO 17410 Standards


ISO 11133:2014+Amd1:2018 is a mandatory standard for all ISO 17025-accredited labs for microbiological analysis of food, feed and water. It describes the preparation, production and performance testing of culture media from this whole area. Planned publication of amendment 2:2019 contains the control strains for the performance testing of confirmation and characterization media, reagents, dyes, stains and materials described in standards for the microbiological examination of samples from the food chain and water.

The technically revised edition of ISO 17410 specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of psychrotrophic microorganisms that are able to grow at 6.5 °C. It replaces ISO 6730:2005 (IDF 101:2005), “Milk — Enumeration of colony forming units of psychrotrophic microorganisms — Colony-count technique at 6.5 °C” and ISO 8552:2004 (IDF 132:2004) “Milk — Estimation of psychrotrophic microorganisms — Colony count technique at 21 °C (Rapid method)”

This webinar explains the latest changes in ISO 11133 including its amendments and in ISO 17410 and will give an outlook on the future of these both standards and other ISO standards.


Barbara Gerten

Barbara Gerten


Senior Scientist Traditional Microbiology

Barbara has over 30 years of industrial microbiology experience and is currently working in Regulatory Marketing at {hcmpany}. She is an active member in several national and international bodies addressing microbiological topics in ISO, CEN and IFU, including the ISO Working Groups ‘Sulfite reducing clostridia and C. perfringens’, ‘Method validation’ and ‘Culture media’.

Andreas Bubert, PhD

Andreas Bubert, PhD


Senior Product Manager, Culture Media Food & Beverage

Andreas received a PhD in molecular microbiology for his research and diagnostics work on Listeria. He has over 24 years’ experience at MilliporeSigma focusing on microbiological solutions for the food and beverage industries. He is a member of AOAC RI Advisory Council and has authored over 50 publications. .

Webinar Information

Microbiological testing

  • Pathogen and spoilage testing
  • Duración:52min

  • Idioma:English

  • Sesión 1:presentado June 12, 2019

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