我們在碳和樹脂吸附劑的研究和產品開發方面擁有超過 50 年的經驗。我們全系列的特殊碳吸附劑包括碳分子篩 (Carboxen® 和 Carbosieve™)、球形石墨化聚合物碳 (Graphsphere™) 以及石墨化炭黑 (Carbotrap® 和 Carbopack™)吸附劑。我們也提供取樣器套件,這是一種評估我們多種特殊碳吸附劑的經濟有效的方法。
- Application Note: Rhodium and Palladium Metal Scavenging with Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon Adsorbents
The ICH-Q3D-R2 guidelines on permissible elemental impurity levels in drug products require a metal scavenging clean-up step for many active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Organometallic catalysts based on palladium and rhodium are commonly used as process catalysts for the synthesis of APIs. These metals fall under Class-2B of the ICH-Q3D-R2 guidelines, with an oral consumption limit of 10 ppm.
- Application Note: Surface Chemistry of Synthetic Carbon Adsorbents and their Application in the Adsorption of Amines
Activated carbons are widely used for purification and separation applications, such as purification of permanent gases, removal of volatile organic compounds from streams of gases and liquids, hydrocarbon vapor recovery, purification of active pharmaceutical ingredients, and preparing electrode materials in energy storage devices.
- Application Note: Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon Adsorbents for Host Cell Protein Removal During Monoclonal Antibody Purification
The demand for mAbs is steadily increasing while the depletion of host cell proteins (HCP) in the manufacturing of mAbs remains a challenge. HCPs can represent an immune response risk after the administration of mAbs if not reduced to appropriate levels.
- White Paper: Carboxen® Synthetic Carbon Adsorbents for Industrial Water Purification
This paper summarizes a selection of field studies that utilized Carboxen® 563 Synthetic Carbon for the purification of chemical wastewater and contaminated groundwater.
- Brochure: Specialty Carbon Adsorbents Advanced Materials for Industrial Purifications and Separations
Our specialty carbon adsorbents are highly engineered materials, manufactured from highly pure synthetic polymers. These products are then activated by physical means, avoiding the use of chemicals to activate. This differentiates them from common non-specific, low-tech carbon black and activated carbon adsorbents.
- Brochure: Resins Selection Guide
Low pressure liquid chromatography (LPLC) is the oldest of chromatographic techniques, originally performed with open columns that use gravity to move the sample through the packing bed. Now, pumps and other instrumentation have been incorporated into LPLC and superior packing media have been developed specifically for this versatile technology.
Carboxen® adsorbents
The Carboxen® 合成碳吸附劑是高度工程化的衍生樹脂。它們具有從大孔到中孔再到微孔的錐形孔結構。錐形孔提高了吸附劑的動力和熱力效率。顆粒呈球形,以獲得最佳的填料床效率。高度工程化的衍生化樹脂具有優異的抗磨損能力,可實現高流速,且不會產生不期望的背壓。它們可承受高達 16,000 psi 的壓力。它們的穩定性高達 400 ˚C,並具有可定制的表面化學特性,適合特定目標分析。它們的高純度、球形和出色的機械性能使其非常適合用於製備和製程色譜。與濕式樹脂相比,這些材料以乾珠形式儲存,流動時像液體一樣,使處理和色譜柱填料變得容易。
Carboxen® 合成碳的 pH 值可在 2.5 到 10.5 之間定制。由於 Carboxen® 合成碳是由合成來源製造而成,因此本身不含重金屬及其他天然吸附劑中的無機成分。Carboxen® 合成碳吸附劑具有可擴展性,這意味著可生產 20/40、20/45 或 30/45 目數的噸級吸附劑。
這些衍生化樹脂在去除小分子和大分子雜質方面具有廣泛的純化應用價值,可應用於氣相和液相純化。一些例子包括去除生化淨化中的高風險雜質,如主細胞蛋白、去除有毒重金屬、淨化氯化金屬、淨化 API 以及去除可萃取物和可浸出物。
他們在多次任務中獲得 NASA 的信賴,包括目前在國際太空站上的使用。
八種 Carboxen® 合成碳的 Bulk 標準材料特性如下表所示。
Carboxen® 合成碳的材料特性
。Carbosieve® Adsorbents
The Carbosieve®吸附劑是具有非錐形孔隙的碳分子篩。由於具有微孔結構,它們具有非常強的吸附強度。Carbosieve® 吸附劑可優異地吸附其他吸附劑很難吸附的小分子和揮發性分析物質。
以石墨化炭黑為基礎的Carbotrap®吸附劑是無孔、非特異性的吸附劑,展現出高度的表面均勻性。這些吸附劑的高純度可確保有效解吸所感興趣的分析物質。這些吸附劑具有疏水的表面特性,因此可以有效地用於捕集潮濕水流中的有機化合物。被捕集的化合物可以通過溶劑或熱解吸附進行解吸,解吸效率高達 100%。這些吸附劑具有極佳的熱穩定性,可確保在熱解吸附溫度下的滲出量最小,並防止高壓下降。
Graphsphere™ 吸附劑球狀石墨化聚合物碳 (Graphsphere™) 擁有獨特的結構,具有非晶質核心和厚度可控的石墨化外殼。石墨化過程產生高純度的表面,具有獨特的吸附和解吸特性。表面互動完全取決於分散(倫敦)力。這些材料是
- 球形(提供比顆粒狀顆粒更好的包裝床性能)
- 堅硬且不易碎
- 用於分析物尺寸相對於 C5-C12 n- 烷烴的分子
- 疏水性(可在高濕度環境中使用)
Graphsphere™吸附劑 與碳分子篩類型吸附劑相比,相對吸附強度較弱,而與石墨化炭黑吸附劑相比,相對吸附強度相近。