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HomePhotometry & ReflectometryIodine in Table Salt

Iodine in Table Salt


Product No. 105445 Zinc iodide starch solution
Product No. 100716 Sulfuric acid 25 % for analysis
Product No. 116754 Water for analysis

Measurement Range

0.50 - 3.00 mg/L iodate at cell length 10 mm and 585 nm
Iodinated table salt contains 25 - 30 mg/kg of potassium iodate. This is added to prevent iodine deficiency disease of the thyroid. The daily recommended dose of iodine for adults is 150 - 200 mg.

Sample Preparation

The sample should be dried to constant weight at 105 °C and 10 g dissolved in water in a 100-mL volumetric flask and made up to the mark with water for analysis.


Add 1.0 mL zinc iodide starch solution and 0.20 mL sulphuric acid 25 % to 20 mL sample. Allow to stand for 10 minutes and measure against a blank comprising equal portions of water for analysis and reagents at 585 nm in a 10 mm rectangular cell.


Iodate content in mg/kg = analysis value in mg/L x 10

Product No.-------
Measuring Range0.50 - 3.00
Reaction Time10 0 min
Cell10 mm
Wavelength585 nm
Table 1. Parameter list for programming the photometer SQ 118

Calculation when measuring the absorbance value using the photometer SQ118 without programming the method in the memory of the instrument:

Measured absorbance
of samples in A
Result in mg/l
[A sample * 2.80]
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