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HomePhotometry & ReflectometryDetermination of Nitrate in Manure

Photometric Determination of Nitrate in Manure


This protocol describes the photometric determination of nitrate in manure using Spectroquant® test kits and a spectrophotometer. Following the sample preparation, including centrifugation and filtration, the nitrate measurement is performed using specific test kits, ensuring precise results. 

Section Overview:

three models of Spectroquant® spectrophotometers: Prove 100 plus, Prove 300 plus, and Prove 600 plus. Each device has a sleek, modern design with a rectangular body. The largest model in the foreground, Prove 600 plus, is green with a black top and features a touchscreen interface displaying measurement data, as well as a slot for sample insertion. The top right corner of the device has a yellow "M" logo and "600+" printed in bold yellow on the front corner. Two smaller models, Prove 100 plus and Prove 300 plus, are placed in the background. Prove 100 plus is light green with a black top, while Prove 300 plus is yellow with a black top. Both also feature touchscreens and the "M" logo.

Spectroquant® spectrophotometers - Prove 100 plus, Prove 300 plus, & Prove 600 plus


Nitrates are nitrogen-based salts with the anion NO3-, and an important class of primary nitrogen source for a plant’s growth. They are converted to proteins, the building blocks of life, in the plants as soon as they are absorbed by the root system1. While soil is a provider of nitrates for plants, research suggests that composts used for plant growth are also a rich source of nitrates. Nitrification, the process of nitrates synthesis from ammonia by oxidation occurs during composting2. However, when the concentration of nitrates is excessive in compost, it gets leached into soil and groundwater, thereby spiking the nitrate to toxic levels in them. This process is called nitrate-leaching3. It is therefore important to analyze the precise levels of nitrates in compost.

This application note details the photometric determination of nitrate in manure.

Reagents, Instruments and Materials

Nitrate Test Kits & Nitrate test Reagents

For the measurement, one of the following Spectroquant® test kits is necessary:

  • Spectroquant® Nitrate Cell Test (1.14542)
  • Spectroquant® Nitrate Cell Test (1.14563)*
  • Spectroquant® Nitrate Cell Test (1.14764)*
  • Spectroquant® Nitrate Test (1.14773)
  • Spectroquant® Nitrate Test (1.09713)*

*not compatible with Move 100

Instrument(s) & Devices

For the measurement, one of the following Spectroquant® photometers is necessary:

  • Spectroquant® VIS Spectrophotometer Prove 100 Plus (1.73026)
  • Spectroquant® UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Prove 300 Plus (1.73027)
  • Spectroquant® UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Prove 600 Plus (1.73028)
  • Spectroquant® Colorimeter Move 100 (1.73632)

Also, legacy systems

  • Spectroquant® Spectrophotometer Prove 100/300/600
  • Spectroquant® Photometer NOVA 30/60/60A

Software for Data transfer

  • Optional Spectroquant® Prove Connect to LIMS software package (Y.11086) to transfer your data into an existing LIMS system.

Instrument Accessories

  • Rectangular cells 10 mm (1.14946) and/or
  • Rectangular cells 20 mm (1.14947) and/or
  • Rectangular cells 50 mm (1.14944)

Other Reagents and Accessories

  • Water for analysis (1.16754)
  • Membrane filter with 0.45 µm pore diameter

Experimental Procedure

Sample Preparation

  • In a 250 mL standard volumetric flask place 25 mL of the sample, fill up to volume with water for analysis, and mix well. 
  • For 15 minutes separate the mixture at 5000 turns per minute in the centrifuge, decant the supernatant solution, and additionally filter it through a membrane filter.


Determine with one of the above-mentioned test kits.


Nitrate content in mg/kg NO3-= analysis value in mg/L NO3- x 10

See more applications for photometry at Protocols and Application Notes

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Beware of nitrates. Extension. 2015 Jun 18. [Internet].[cited 08 Aug 2024]. Available from:
Cáceres R, Malińska K, Marfà O. 2018. Nitrification within composting: A review. Waste Management. 72119-137.
Maynard AA. 1993. Nitrate Leaching from Compost-Amended Soils. Compost Science & Utilization. 1(2):65-72.
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