- Metabolic investigations during xylitol infusion.
Metabolic investigations during xylitol infusion.
The excretion of urinary acidic metabolites by 10 patients undergoing gastric or biliary tract surgery has been studied. Five patients were infused with xylitol and 5 with glucose. Four of the xylitol-infused patients had hyperglycollic aciduria and 3 of the glucose-infused patients had hyperlactic aciduria. There was no hyperoxaluria. Four of the xylitol-infused patients excreted more tetronic acids than any of the glucose-infused patients. Threonic acid was the predominant tetronic acid excreted by most (4/5) of the xylitol-infused subjects. Erythronic acid predominated in the glucose-infused as in control ambulant non-hospitalised subjects. It is suggested that these changes point to overloading of the transketolase pathway during xylitol infusion.