- Chemical tagging of a drug target using 5-sulfonyl tetrazole.
Chemical tagging of a drug target using 5-sulfonyl tetrazole.
Irreversible modification is one of the most promising strategies to identify cellular receptors of bioactive small molecules. Here we report that receptor proteins can be chemically tagged using a 5-sulfonyl tetrazole probe. 5-Sulfonyl tetrazole easily accepted nucleophilic attack of thiol groups, while 5-sulfinyl tetrazole did not. These functional groups were introduced into probe molecules of a natural product. Cyclosporine A, an immunosuppressant produced by a microbe, was derivatized to possess 5-sulfonyl tetrazole and a tag group, which enabled chemical tagging of cyclophilin A, the cellular receptor of cyclosporine A. Cyclosporine A derivative possessing 5-sulfinyl tetrazole could not tag cyclophilin A. This technique will allow efficient identification of cellular receptors of bioactive small molecules.