Greener Alternatives for Flavors & Fragrances
Luke Grocholl, Head of Food Regulatory Experts
Merck Flavors & Fragrances

Growing concern about the environmental impact of industrialization led to the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970. Initially prioritizing emissions, pesticide use, and pollution, the EPA and other organizations and agencies have since adopted a more holistic approach to environmental protection. Regulators and independent groups evaluated the complete manufacturing and harvesting lifecycle across various industries, identifying ecological practices that could be implemented. In 1998, the EPA published its Principles of Green Chemistry to promote sustainability in chemical manufacturing.
These 12 principles provide a roadmap for the chemical industry to ecologically produce valuable and necessary products.
The twelve principles of green chemistry are:
- Prevention – Preventing waste during manufacturing is preferable to managing or cleaning it up after it is generated. This is the primary objective, and the remaining eleven principles work together to support and reinforce it. The principle of prevention encompasses not only the 11 other principles but also concepts such as solvent recycling and minimizing or upcycling side products.
- Atom Economy – Synthetic methods should maximize the conversion of reactant atoms into the desired product while minimizing unwanted byproducts or waste.
- Less Hazardous Chemical Synthesis – Synthetic methods should be designed with a focus on reducing the toxicity of all substances produced, including side products. This could mean opting for less toxic side products or using less toxic reagents.
- Designing Safer Chemicals – Whereas less hazardous synthesis considers the entire synthetic process, designing safer chemicals challenges scientists to develop safer/less toxic products with the same functionality as their more toxic counterparts.
- Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries – Switching to safer solvents or agents used in purification. This trend has been ongoing for a significant period, leading to a shift from using hexanes - which are relatively toxic - to less harmful polar solvents. Another example is the development and validation of testing techniques that do not require the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
- Design for Energy Efficiency –Reducing the energy demands associated with heating, cooling, pressurizing, or depressurizing during chemical reactions. Additionally, using smaller amounts of solvent or opting for solvents that can be easily removed can also help minimize the energy needed for solvent removal from the final products.
- Use of Renewable Feedstocks – Transitioning to renewable feedstocks as well as assessing if alternate, more sustainably harvested feedstocks are available.
- Reduce Derivatives – Similar to the concept of atom economy, this objective aims to reduce the reliance on blocking or protecting groups commonly used in chemistry to achieve desired molecules. Alternate chemical routes or the use of highly specific enzymes or other catalysts can eliminate the need for derivatives.
- Catalysis – Another principle closely linked to atom economy is the use of catalysis-driven reactions, especially those employing recoverable or reusable catalysts, which help eliminate waste. A classic example is to use a palladium catalyst for hydrogenation, rather than a chemical reagent like sodium borohydride. With a palladium catalyst, only hydrogen is added for hydrogenation and thus no undesired waste products are generated.
- Design for Degradation – Developing biodegradable products that do not themselves create environmental hazards.
- Real-time Analysis for Pollution Prevention – Utilizing real-time reaction optimization by monitoring and adjusting variables like temperature, pH, or pressure to maximize yield and reduce the consumption of energy and reagents results in a greener process.
- Minimize the Potential for Accidents – Designing a process to reduce the chance of leaks, explosions, fires, exposures, or accidents. Many of the principles above contribute to reducing the potential for accidents.
In essence, the green chemistry principles shift the focus of chemical manufacturing from solely optimizing time and yield to optimizing the entire process, from sourcing raw materials to managing the product as well as any resulting byproducts or waste. All the principles can be applied to the manufacture of greener aroma chemicals for the flavors and fragrances industry. These principles also tie in closely with food safety, as they involve reducing the use of potentially toxic solvents and reagents in the production of products intended for consumption.

With the complexity of modern supply chains, however, it may be difficult to determine if source materials or raw materials adhere to green principles. To find products that align with green objectives, look for flags such as the Greener Alternative Product symbol.
Sustainability practices can also be supported by other programs and certifications. For instance, ISO 14001 certification is a widely recognized environmental management system, while ISO 5001 is a system that centers on efficient energy management.
Additional systems and programs may concentrate on addressing specific sourcing challenges. For example, palm oil may be a renewable resource, but the harvest of palm oil may result in the destruction of critically endangered forests. The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is an independent body established to help ensure that palm oil is harvested sustainably. Other more formalized systems, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) help minimize the risk that naturally sourced materials were harvested from endangered species.
Programs to help prevent the exploitation of workers are as essential as environmental programs. SEDEX, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is one of the most commonly used standards for fair labor treatment in the food industries. This standard focuses on fair treatment of workers as well as environmental sustainability. Through the SEDEX interface, suppliers and producers can share detailed information regarding their fair labor and ecological practices. SEDEX is further reinforced through SMETA audits. Safe working practices are also the focus of the ISO 45001 system, and SEDEX can go hand-in-hand with ISO 45001 certification.
Approach for Success
Firms focused on improving their sustainability cannot rely on a single program or certification to meet all their needs. Instead, they should adopt a combination of practices, principles, and certificates such as those described above to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. Identify our products that adhere to green chemistry principles by searching for the Greener Alternative Product symbol. Connect with us on SEDEX for more specific information on product sourcing or certification.