  • hDKIR, a human homologue of the Drosophila kelch protein, involved in a ring-like structure.

hDKIR, a human homologue of the Drosophila kelch protein, involved in a ring-like structure.

Experimental cell research (2004-09-24)
Angela Mai, Sang-Kee Jung, Shin Yonehara

We have previously purified and cloned an apoptosis-inducing protein (AIP) derived from fish infected with the anisakis simplex. Recently, we identified a series of AIP-responsive genes in the HL-60 cell line using a subtractive hybridization method. Here we report the molecular cloning and characterization of one of these genes, which encodes a novel human kelch protein containing 568 amino acid residues, termed hDKIR. The Drosophila Kelch protein localizes to a ring canal structure, which is required for oocyte development. When hDKIR was expressed in cultured-mammalian cells, hDKIR localized to a ring-like structure. Furthermore, when coexpressed with Mayven or Keap1, hDKIR bound to Mayven and recruited Mayven into ring-like structures perfectly. This indicates that kelch homologues can interact with each other in a specific manner and such interaction can affect the subcellular localization of kelch proteins. Finally, domain analysis revealed that both the N-terminal POZ (poxviruses and zinc fingers) and intervening region (IVR) domains of hDKIR are essential for ring-like structure activity, suggesting that the development of the ring-like structure is independent of the ability to bind actin.