- Differentiation-promoting effect of 1-O (2 methoxy) hexadecyl glycerol in human colon cancer cells.
Differentiation-promoting effect of 1-O (2 methoxy) hexadecyl glycerol in human colon cancer cells.
Alkylglycerols are naturally occurring bioactive ether lipids found in great abundance in the livers of many marine species. In this study, we evaluated the differentiation-promoting potential of a methoxy substituted alkylglycerol--1-O (2 methoxy) hexadecyl glycerol (MHG)--to promote a more benign or differentiated phenotype in human colon cancer cells. Three cell lines with different biological and phenotypic properties were used. They were the moderately differentiated and growth factor-responsive Moser, the growth factor-unresponsive and malignant HT29, and the poorly differentiated and growth factor-unresponsive HCT116. Treatment of these cell lines with MHG resulted in a downmodulation of cellular proliferation, a reduced propensity for anchorage-independent growth, and a reduced capacity in cellular invasion. Induction of the colon-associated and differentiation-related molecule carcinoembryonic antigen was also observed in the three cell lines. Induction of the transformation-sensitive and differentiation-related glycoprotein fibronectin was observed in the HT29 cells. It is concluded that MHG was biologically active and promoted a more benign or differentiated phenotype in these colon cancer cells. Since differentiation-inducing agents may possess chemoprevention properties, the use of MHG and the alkylglycerols in inducing differentiation or in chemoprevention of malignant diseases warrants further investigation.