
Salt effects on the denaturation of DNA.

Biopolymers (1969-01-01)
D W Gruenwedel, C H Hsu

When DNA's of differing GC:AT base ratios, e.g. synthetic poly dAT, T4 DNA,calf thymus DNA, E. coli DNA, and M. lysodeikticus DNA, are heat-denatured at neutral pH in increasing concentrations of N(a)(2)SO(4) or C(s)(2)SO(4) as supporting electrolytes,the variation of melting temperature with average base composition, dT(m)/dX(G)(C), changes from 45°C (in 0.002M Na) to ll°C (in 4.5M Na) and from 42°C (in 0.002M Cs) to 3°C(in 4.5M Cs). The decrease of dT(m)/dX(G)(C) is a monotonic function of decreasing water activity in the salt solutions. We interpret this decreased composition dependence of the thermal stability of the various DNA's as being due to a destabilization of the GC base pairs relative to the AT base pairs by the concentrated salt media. A simple quantitative treatment shows that k = 8GC/SAT decreases from a value of 4.14 (in 0.01MN(a)) to 1.86 (in 3M Na) and from 4.18 (in 0.01M Cs) to 1.42 (in 3M Cs). SAT is the equilibrium constant for the formation of a hydrogen-bonded AT base pair from a pair of unbonded bases at the junction between a helical region and a denatured region and SGC is the like constant for the formation of a GC base pair. These results corroborate our previous findings of a strongly reduced composition dependence of the negative logarithm of the methylmercuric hydroxide concentration necessary to produce 50% denaturation when the helix-coil transition of DNA is studied in concentrated Cs(s)SO(4)(ultracentrifugation) instead of in dilute N(a)(2)SO(4) (ultraviolet spectrophotometry).


硫酸铯, Grade I, ≥99%
硫酸铯, 99.99% trace metals basis