- Measurement in saliva from neurotypical adults of biomarkers pertinent to autism spectrum disorders.
Measurement in saliva from neurotypical adults of biomarkers pertinent to autism spectrum disorders.
Measure biomarkers pertinent to autism in saliva from humans. At 7:30 PM (reading instructions) and 8:30 PM (hearing instructions), neurotypical adults (6 M, 6 F) each spat into tubes containing protease inhibitors. Cells were counted, samples aliquoted, frozen and thawed. Rationale was given for choice of biomarkers. ELISA: CD26, IL-12, carnitine, C4B, GSH, GSSG, MT-2, testosterone, IFN-γ. Mass spectrometry: cystine, glutamine, glutamic acid, GABA, serotonin. Electrochemiluminescentimmunoassay: cortisol. Radioimmunoassay: melatonin. Cells averaged 2.16 × 106/ml. M > F: CD-26, C4B, MT-2. Testosterone, cortisol. Glutamine, glutamic acid, IFN-γ, melatonin and GSSG were measurable. Remaining biomarkers were measured in <50% of samples. Concentrations were equal at both times. Saliva can be collected by literate individuals without added instruction. Ten biomarkers were measurable.