- Use of clomiphene citrate in the University of Utah Community Clinics.
Use of clomiphene citrate in the University of Utah Community Clinics.
To determine patterns of usage of clomiphene citrate (CC) by primary care providers (obstetrician-gynecologists, family physicians, and other providers) within University of Utah Community Clinics. We performed a retrospective chart review (n = 79) and followup telephone survey of patients (n = 43) who were prescribed CC in the University of Utah Community Clinics in 2006. Most women who were prescribed CC had appropriate indications for therapy (65% with a diagnosis related to irregular menses and 33% with a diagnosis of female infertility), but there was variable and inconsistent monitoring of ovulation (much of which was apparently initiated by the patients). In the interview, 24 of the women (56%) said they would be fine having twins, and 14 (33%) said they would prefer to have twins if possible. In this primary care setting, clomiphene was prescribed for appropriate indications, but the monitoring of treatment could be improved. The preference of some patients for twin gestations represents a challenge for optimum clinical care and public health.