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HomeWastewater & Process Water​ TestingAnalysis of PFAS Extractables in Filtration Products Using Modified EPA 1633

Analysis of PFAS Extractables in Filtration Products Using Modified EPA 1633

Contaminants in PFAS testing

EPA 1633 tests for 40 PFAS compounds in matrices with higher degrees of particulates - wastewater, surface water, groundwater, soil, biosolids, sediment, landfill leachate, and fish tissue. Particulates in solution must be removed prior to LC-MS/MS as they can be detrimental to sample analysis, column longevity, and overall instrument function. EPA 1633 specifically calls for filtration using a syringe filter format after the extraction and clean-up process for aqueous, solid, and tissue samples.

EPA Method 1633 was used as a guide method to demonstrate that Millex® polyethersulfone (PES) and nylon syringe filters and Millipore® hydrophilic polypropylene filter membranes do not impart detectable levels of PFAS contamination and allow for acceptable analyte recovery.

Testing Millex® PES and Nylon Syringe Filters with Methanol Samples using Modified EPA 1633

Materials and Methods

To investigate PFAS extractables in methanol solvent, PFAS contamination of Millex® syringe filter devices was tested according to a modified version of EPA 1633 in collaboration with SGS North America (Orlando, FL location).

EPA 1633 requires the detection of a large number of PFAS compounds in high-particulate matrices - either aqueous, solids, or tissues - and thus requires filtration. However, different sample processing and extraction methods are required by the method depending on the percent solids of the samples. Despite this, every sample matrix requires a filtration step after the addition of non-extracted internal standards (NIS) and/or carbon cleanup with a 0.20 µm nylon membrane, which is performed in methanol solvent.

An overview of the method is described in the workflow below, with the LC-MS/MS conditions in Table 1. Briefly, a 5 mL methanol sample was spiked with C-13 labeled extracted (EIS) and non-extracted (NIS) internal standards ranging from 1.25 - 10 ppb, depending on the compound, according to EPA 1633. To determine if sample filtration media contributes to PFAS contamination, the entire sample was passed through the filter. The filtrate was collected and analyzed with LC-MS/MS using a C18 column. Analysis was performed using internal standards. The filters tested included: two lots of Millex® -GP syringe filters (non-sterile, 33 mm filter with 0.22 µm PES membrane, Product No. SLGP033N), two lots of Millex® nylon syringe filters (non-sterile, 33 mm filter with 0.20 µm nylon membrane, Product No. SLGN033N), and two lots of Millex® nylon-HPF syringe filters (non-sterile, 25 mm filter with 0.20 µm nylon membrane and glass fiber prefilter, Product No. SLGNM25).

Workflow for Method Used for Modified EPA 1633

Prepare samples

Image showing three green drops to indicate methanol and a chemical structure of a PFAS standard
Mix 5 mL methanol samples with EIS and NIS mixes


    Product photograph of a Millex syringe filter.
    Filter samples using a Millex® syringe filter or a cut disc filter in a Swinnex® filter holder.


      Cartoon showing a sample trace from HPLC analysis.
      Analyze by LC-MS/MS.
        ColumnC18, 100 x 2.1mm ID, 2.7 µm superficially porous particles
        Mobile phase[A] Acetonitrile
        [B] 2 mM ammonium acetate in 95:5 water:acetonitrile
        GradientTime (min)A%B%Flow (mL/min)
        Column temp50.0 °C
        Injection volume6-10 µL autosampler injection
        MS/MS conditionsParameterValue
        Gas Temp (°C)250
        Gas Flow (l/min)10
        Nebulizer (psi)50
        Sheath Gas Heater300
        Sheath Gas Flow (L/min)10
        Capillary (V)3500
        V Charging500
        Ionization ModeNeg ESI
        Collision Cell Gas (PSI)40
        Collision Cell GasUHP N2
        Table 1.LC and MS/MS conditions used in this study.


        There were no detectable PFAS contaminants in any of the Millex® syringe filters for modified EPA 1633 above the reporting limit (RL) for the 40 compounds in any of the replicates and lots tested in methanol. However, in the category of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs), the first replicate device in Lot 1 of Millex® nylon-HPF syringe filter devices demonstrated hits that were below the RL but above the minimum detection limit (MDL) of the instrument (Table 2). Because of this, one additional replicate device was tested and PFCAs were not detected above RL or MDL in that device. None of the other devices or lots tested for this material demonstrated hits for any PFCAs or other compounds. Regarding membrane material selection, researchers should always investigate whether levels of chemical extractables that may come after exposure to organic solvents are at appropriate levels.

        CompoundAbbreviationStandardRL (ppb)MDL (ppb)Millipore® SLGP 0.2 µm PESMillipore® SLGN 0.2 µm nylon  Millipore® SLGNM 0.2 µm nylon-HPF
        AVE of 2 lotsbAVE of 2 lotsbLot 1c,dLot 2c
        Perfluoro-n-butanoic acidPFBA13C4-PFBAa0.80.4NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-pentanoic acidPFPeA13C5-PFPeAa0.40.1NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-hexanoic acidPFHxA13C5-PFHxAa0.20.05NDND0.0835eND
        Perfluoro-n-heptanoic acidPFHpA13C4-PFHpAa0.20.05NDND0.0688eND
        Perfluoro-n-octanoic acidPFOA13C8-PFOAa0.20.05NDND0.0992eND
        Perfluoro-n-nonanoic acidPFNA13C9-PFNA0.20.061NDND0.0827eND
        Perfluoro-n-decanoic acidPFDA13C6-PFDA0.20.05NDND0.115eND
        Perfluoro-n-undecanoic acidPFUnDA13C7-PFUnA0.20.06NDND0.107eND
        Perfluoro-n-dodecanoic acidPFDoDA13C2-PFDoA0.20.06NDND0.113eND
        Perfluoro-n-tridecanoic acidPFTrDA13C2-PFTeDA / 13C2-PFDoA0.20.084NDND0.116eND
        Perfluoro-n-tetradecanoic acidPFTeDA13C2-PFTeDA0.20.05NDND0.149eND
        Perfluoro-n-butanesulfonic acidPFBS13C3-PFBS0.20.1NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-pentanesulfonic acidPFPeS13C3-PFHxS0.20.11NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-hexanesulfonic acidPFHxS13C3-PFHxS0.20.1NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-heptanesulfonic acidPFHpS13C8-PFOS0.20.1NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-octanesulfonic acidPFOS13C8-PFOS0.20.1NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-nonanesulfonic acidPFNS13C8-PFOS0.20.1NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-decanesulfonic acidPFDS13C8-PFOS0.20.1NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-dodecanesulfonic acidPFDoS13C8-PFOS0.20.11NDNDNDND
        4:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonic acid4:2 FTS / 4:2 FTSA13C2-4:2FTS0.80.4NDNDNDND
        6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonic acid6:2 FTS / 6:2 FTSA13C2-6:2FTS0.80.4NDNDNDND
        8:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonic acid8:2 FTS / 8:2 FTSA13C2-8:2FTS0.80.41NDNDNDND
        3-Perfluoropropyl propanoic acid3:3 FTCA13C5-PFPeA10.5NDNDNDND
        2H,2H,3H,3H-Perfluorooctanoic acid5:3 FTCA13C5-PFHxA51NDNDNDND
        n-3-Perfluoroheptyl propanoic acidFHpPA / 7:3 FTCA13C5-PFHxA51NDNDNDND
        PerfluorooctanesulfonamidePFOSA / FOSA13C8-PFOSA0.20.1NDNDNDND
        N-methyl Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acidN-MeFOSAAD3-NMeFOSAA0.20.1NDNDNDND
        N-ethyl Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acidN-EtFOSAAD5-NEtFOSAA0.20.13NDNDNDND
        N-methyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanolN-MeFOSED7-NMeFOSE21NDNDNDND
        N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonoamidoethanolN-EtFOSED9-NEtFOSE21NDNDNDND
        Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid  GenX / HFPO-DA13C3-HFPO-DA0.80.2NDNDNDND
        4,8-Dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid  ADONA / DONA13C3-HFPO-DA0.80.2NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-3-methoxypropanoic acid  PFMPA13C5-PFPeA0.40.1NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro-4-methoxybutanoic acid  PFMBA13C5-PFPeA0.40.11NDNDNDND
        Nonafluoro-3,6-dioxaheptanoic acid  NFDHA13C5-PFHxA0.40.12NDNDNDND
        Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanone-1-sulfonic acid9Cl-PF3ONS13C3-HFPO-DA0.80.2NDNDNDND
        11-Chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-1-sulfonic acid11Cl-PF3OUdS13C3-HFPO-DA0.80.2NDNDNDND
        Perfluoro(2-ethoxyethane)sulfonic acidPFEESA13C5-PFHxA0.40.1NDNDNDND
        Table 2.Detection of PFAS contaminants after filtration with Millex® PES and nylon devices using LC-MS/MS according to modified EPA 1633.
        aExtracted internal standard (EIS), five total
        bThree replicate devices per lot tested, no PFAS compound detected in any lot above RL or MDL
        cThree replicate devices tested
        dFourth device tested per lot after hits reported in first replicate device
        eResult appeared in the third replicate device only, all others were ND for all PFAS compounds, including a fourth device
        Abbreviations: RL = reporting limit; MDL = minimum detection limit; ND = not detected

        These results suggest that PES and nylon Millex® syringe filters are reliable and appropriate to use in the filtration with EPA 1633 for analysis of PFAS compounds. Nylon-HPF Millex® filtration devices should be considered when samples require pre-filtration, and researchers should always be aware of the required reporting limits for the method.

        Chemical extractables (apart from PFAS compounds listed in Table 2) were not tested in this study. To get the best possible data quality, researchers should always investigate the levels of chemical extractables that may come after certain membrane materials are exposed to organic solvents to make sure that they are at acceptable levels.


        For EPA Method 1633 testing in methanol solvent, the percent recoveries for filtrates from nylon-based syringe filter devices versus PES-based syringe filter devices were at similar levels (Figure 1). This supports what has been reported in literature for methanol helping to dissociate PFAS molecules from filtration media.

        ar graph showing average percent recovery of PFAS using nylon, nylon-HPF, and PES Millex® syringe filters. Acceptable QC range is 20% to 150% recovery for all standards.

        Figure 1.The average percent recovery (mean ± standard deviation (STDEV), n=6 replicates over 2 lots) of C-13 labeled standards for PFBS, PFBA, PFOA, PFOS and PFNA after filtration with nylon Millex® syringe filters (purple, mean±STDEV, n=9 replicates over 3 lots), nylon-HPF Millex® syringe filters (blue with checked pattern) and PES Millex® syringe filters (green with horizontal slash marks). The acceptable QC range for recovery of internal standards is demonstrated by the solid black vertical line to the left for each compound.

        Testing Millipore® Polypropylene Membrane Filters with Methanol Samples using Modified EPA 1633

        Syringe filter devices are the most recommended and preferred format for filtering samples for LC-MS/MS analysis of PFAS due to ease of use and the range of small volumes that can be processed (10-100 mL). There are instances, however, when syringe filters may not be the best option for filtration; for example, when there are no commercially available syringe filters suitable for a specific application. In these instances, an alternative must be considered. A syringe filter-like device, such as a Swinnex® holder, is a viable alternative. This pressure-driven device holds any cut disc membrane filter of a specific size (13 mm or 25 mm diameter) and is operated in the same way as a traditional syringe filter, thus converting any membrane material into a syringe filter format.

        Polypropylene is a durable material compatible with a broad range of solvents and temperatures and demonstrates low extractables, making it appropriate specifically for PFAS-related sample and mobile phase preparation. A challenge with polypropylene is that it is naturally hydrophobic, which makes it challenging to filter aqueous samples. Most commercially available polypropylene disc filters are hydrophobic, such as Millipore® polypropylene membrane filters (Product No. PPTG04700 and Product No. PPTH04700). Though appropriate for solvents such as methanol, it can be challenging to filter aqueous samples. In a few cases, polypropylene can be found in a hydrophilic format (Millipore® hydrophilic polypropylene membrane filters, Product No. PPHG04700 and Product No. PPHH04700). These filters are suited to handle aqueous samples. Thus, realizing the potential for polypropylene material to be used within the context of a variety of PFAS workflows, including mobile phase filtration, we determined the level of PFAS extractables that these filter discs release.

        Materials and Methods

        Swinnex® filter holder assembly

        Hydrophilic Millipore® polypropylene (PP) membrane filters of 0.2 µm pore size were tested for PFAS extractable content. Swinnex® devices (25 mm diameter) were used to convert the disc membrane filters into a Luer-lock based syringe filter device, according to Figure 2. Once assembled, the Swinnex® device can be connected to a Luer-lock syringe barrel with the material to be filtered. Filtration was then performed as with other syringe filter devices. For every disc replicate, a new and clean Swinnex® device was used.

        Sequential photos showing assembly of Swinnex® filter devices. First photo shows forceps being used to remove gasket and O-ring. The next three photos show placement of filter in the device using forceps. The last two photos show replacement of the gasket and tightening of filter holder.

        Figure 2.Assembling Swinnex® device with a polypropylene cut disc membrane filter.

        Modified 1633

        Three lots of the hydrophilic 0.2 µm polypropylene cut disc membrane filters were tested, using n=3 filters per lot. EPA 1633 outlines slightly different strategies of extraction and cleanup for each high-particulate matrix tested. Thus, this study focused on just the filtration step required for all matrices after the addition of non-extracted internal standards (NIS) and/or carbon cleanup performed in a methanol solvent. This was done to focus specifically on whether the cut disc membrane filters tested contained any contamination of the 40 PFAS compounds outlined in the method. This modified method is depicted in the workflow above.

        Once each cut disc membrane filter was placed securely into a Swinnex® device, 5 mL methanol samples spiked with C-13 labeled extracted (EIS) and non-extracted (NIS) internal standards according to the Method were passed through each filter. The filtrate was collected for LC-MS/MS using a C18 column using conditions described in Table 1 and analyzed by internal standards. Since the filtration was performed in methanol, none of the cut disc membrane filters required pre-wetting.


        As was found for Millex® syringe filter devices, there were no detectable PFAS contaminants in any of the hydrophilic polypropylene cut disc membrane filters tested according to modified EPA 1633 above the RL, ranging from 0.2-5 ppb, or the MDL, ranging from 0.05-1 ppb (Table 3). This indicates that these membranes do not have PFAS extractables at these limits and could be used for PFAS applications where filtration is needed for sample preparation. There were no challenges observed with recovery of any of the internal standards for EPA 1633 in methanol, which is unsurprising. Our studies, and previous studies1 with nylon membranes indicated that exposure to methanol solvent reduced non-specific adsorption of PFAS compounds and internal standards.

        CompoundAbbreviation(s)StandardRL (ppb)MDL (ppb)Millipore® PPHG Hydrophilic PP, 0.2 µm
        Lot 1bLot 2bLot 3b
        Perfluoroalkyl Carboxylic Acids
        Perfluoro-n-butanoic acidPFBA13C4-PFBAa 0.80.4NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-pentanoic acidPFPeA13C5-PFPeAa0.40.1NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-hexanoic acidPFHxA13C5-PFHxAa 0.20.05NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-heptanoic acidPFHpA13C4-PFHpAa 0.20.05NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-octanoic acidPFOA13C8-PFOAa 0.20.05NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-nonanoic acidPFNA13C9-PFNA0.20.061NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-decanoic acidPFDA13C6-PFDA0.20.05NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-undecanoic acidPFUnDA13C7-PFUnA0.20.06NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-dodecanoic acidPFDoDA13C2-PFDoA0.20.06NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-tridecanoic acidPFTrDA13C2-PFTeDA / 13C2-PFDoA0.20.084NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-tetradecanoic acidPFTeDA13C2-PFTeDA0.20.05NDNDND
        Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonic Acids
        Perfluoro-n-butanesulfonic acidPFBS13C3-PFBS0.20.1NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-pentanesulfonic acidPFPeS13C3-PFHxS0.20.11NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-hexanesulfonic acidPFHxS13C3-PFHxS0.20.1NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-heptanesulfonic acidPFHpS13C8-PFOS0.20.1NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-octanesulfonic acidPFOS13C8-PFOS0.20.1NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-nonanesulfonic acidPFNS13C8-PFOS0.20.1NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-decanesulfonic acidPFDS13C8-PFOS0.20.1NDNDND
        Perfluoro-n-dodecanesulfonic acidPFDoS13C8-PFOS0.20.11NDNDND
        Fluorotelomer Sulfonic Acids
        4:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonic acid4:2 FTS / 4:2 FTSA13C2-4:2FTS0.80.4NDNDND
        6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonic acid6:2 FTS / 6:2 FTSA13C2-6:2FTS0.80.4NDNDND
        8:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonic acid8:2 FTS / 8:2 FTSA13C2-8:2FTS0.80.41NDNDND
        Fluorotelomer Carboxylic Acids
        3-Perfluoropropyl propanoic acid3:3 FTCA13C5-PFPeA10.5NDNDND
        2H,2H,3H,3H-Perfluorooctanoic acid5:3 FTCA13C5-PFHxA51NDNDND
        n-3-Perfluoroheptyl propanoic acidFHpPA / 7:3 FTCA13C5-PFHxA51NDNDND
        Perfluoroctane Sulfonamides
        PerfluorooctanesulfonamidePFOSA / FOSA13C8-PFOSA0.20.1NDNDND
        Perfluorooctane Sulfonamidoacetic Acids
        N-methyl Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acidN-MeFOSAAD3-NMeFOSAA0.20.1NDNDND
        N-ethyl Perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acidN-EtFOSAAD5-NEtFOSAA0.20.13NDNDND
        Perfluorooctane Sulfonamido Ethanols
        N-methyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoethanolN-MeFOSED7-NMeFOSE21NDNDND
        N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonoamidoethanolN-EtFOSED9-NEtFOSE21NDNDND
        Per and Polyfluoroether Carboxylic Acids
        Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid  GenX / HFPO-DA13C3-HFPO-DA0.80.2NDNDND
        4,8-Dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid  ADONA / DONA13C3-HFPO-DA0.80.2NDNDND
        Perfluoro-3-methoxypropanoic acid  PFMPA13C5-PFPeA0.40.1NDNDND
        Perfluoro-4-methoxybutanoic acid  PFMBA13C5-PFPeA0.40.11NDNDND
        Nonafluoro-3,6-dioxaheptanoic acid  NFDHA13C5-PFHxA0.40.12NDNDND
        Per and Polyfluoroether Sulfonic Acids
        Chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanone-1-sulfonic acid9Cl-PF3ONS13C3-HFPO-DA0.80.2NDNDND
        11-Chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-1-sulfonic acid11Cl-PF3OUdS13C3-HFPO-DA0.80.2NDNDND
        Perfluoro(2-ethoxyethane)sulfonic acidPFEESA13C5-PFHxA0.40.1NDNDND
        Table 3.Detection of PFAS contaminants in methanol samples after filtration with three different lots of hydrophilic 0.2 µm polypropylene disc filters in Swinnex® devices in methanol solvent using modified EPA 1633.
        aExtracted internal standard (EIS), five total
        bThree replicate devices per lot tested; thus, date is the mean ± standard deviation of n=3 devices. No PFAS compound detected in any device above RL or MDL
        Abbreviations: RL = reporting limit; MDL = minimum detection limit; PP = polypropylene; philic = hydrophilic; phobic = hydrophobic; ND = not detected


        There are nuances in binding and retention of PFAS compounds leading to different recoveries in the filtrate, as observed with polypropylene, nylon, and polyethersulfone membrane materials (Figure 3). Recovery in methanol samples filtered through 0.2 µm hydrophilic polypropylene is similar to that using 0.20 µm nylon and 0.22 µm polyethersulfone. Together, this indicates that polypropylene cut disc membrane filters can be paired with Swinnex® devices to offer an alternative sample filtration method to syringe filter formats. For PFAS methods where the mobile phase needs to be filtered, polypropylene membrane filters may be used with the appropriate filter holder. Recovery of certain PFAS compounds should be carefully considered as part of this workflow.

        Bar graph showing average percent recovery for PFAS molecules using nylon Millex<sup>®</sup> syringe filters, PES Millex® syringe filters, and hydrophilic polypropylene Millipore® membrane filters.

        Figure 3.The average percent recovery of select C-13 labeled standards in methanol according to EPA 1633 for 0.20 µm nylon syringe filters (purple), 0.22 µm PES syringe filters (blue with checked pattern), and 0.2 µm hydrophilic polypropylene cut disc membrane filters (green with horizontal slash marks). All values are mean ± standard deviation across three lots, for a total of nine discs.

        Water versus Methanol Samples

        Using syringe filter devices, a trend was observed of increased recovery for nylon devices when filtering methanol versus water, which has also been observed in published studies.1 However, not all membrane materials may respond in the same way to filtering in water versus methanol. For example, hydrophilic polypropylene demonstrated similar recovery within the acceptable QC range of all internal standards for both methanol and water, and in some cases (for example, shorter chain PFCA and PFSA compounds) even higher recovery in water than methanol, which was not observed with either PES or nylon materials (Figure 4).

        Bar graph showing average percent recovery for PFAS molecules in water or methanol using polypropylene Millipore® membrane filters.

        Figure 4.The average percent recovery of all C-13 labeled standards for hydrophilic polypropylene cut disc membrane filters in water vs. methanol. For water, values are mean ± standard deviation, n=3 replicates of one lot tested. For methanol, values are mean ± standard deviation, n=3 replicates across three lots, for a total of nine discs.

        Filters for Modified EPA 1633

        Using a modified EPA 1633 method, this study demonstrated that PES and nylon syringe filters, as well as hydrophilic polypropylene membranes held in a Swinnex® device, are reliable and appropriate to use in the analyses of PFAS compounds.

        • There were no detectable PFAS compounds in any of these filtration devices.
        • The percent recoveries for filtrates from all these devices were at similar levels.

        Recommended Filtration Products

        Recommended Syringe Filters
        Recommended Membrane Filters
        Recommended Filter Holders


        So MK, Taniyasu S, Lam PKS, Zheng GJ, Giesy JP, Yamashita N. 2006. Alkaline Digestion and Solid Phase Extraction Method for Perfluorinated Compounds in Mussels and Oysters from South China and Japan. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 50(2):240-248.
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