- Assessment of an updated double-vasopressor automated system using Nexfin for the maintenance of haemodynamic stability to improve peri-operative outcome during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section.
Assessment of an updated double-vasopressor automated system using Nexfin for the maintenance of haemodynamic stability to improve peri-operative outcome during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section.
Hypotension occurs commonly during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section, associated with maternal and fetal adverse effects. We developed a double-vasopressor automated system with a two-step algorithm and continuous non-invasive haemodynamic monitoring using the Nexfin device. The system delivered 25 Ī¼g phenylephrine every 30 s when systolic blood pressure was between 90% and 100% of baseline, or 2 mg ephedrine at this blood pressure range and heart rate < 60 beats.min(-1) ; and 50 Ī¼g phenylephrine or 4 mg ephedrine when systolic blood pressure was < 90% of baseline with the same heart rate criterion. Fifty-seven women received standardised spinal anaesthesia. Twenty-seven (47.4%) had at least one reading of hypotension defined as systolic blood pressure < 80% baseline. Systolic blood pressure was within 20% of the baseline in a mean (SD) of 79.8 (20.9)% of measurements. Fifty-three (93.0%) women required phenylephrine before delivery while 10 (17.5%) required ephedrine. Six women (10.5%) experienced nausea and three (5.3%) vomited. The system was able to achieve a low incidence of maternal hypotension with good maternal and fetal outcomes.