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HomePathogen & Spoilage TestingCampylobacter Detection and Identification

Campylobacter Detection and Identification

Detection, identification, differentiation and cultivation of Campylobacter

The Campylobacter is one of the leading causes of human gastroenteritis. Common Campylobacter species C. jejuni, C. coli, and C. lari are responsible for most cases of campylobacteriosis.1,2 However, other species, like C. fetus, which causes spontaneous abortions, have also been associated with human illness.2–6
Campylobacter are Gram-negative, spiral-shaped, microaerophilic and motile bacteria with uni- or bi-polar flagella (Figures 1, 2 and 3).

Scanning electron microscope

Figure 1.Scanning electron microscope image: shows the characteristic spiral, or corkscrew, shape of C. jejuni cells. Photo by De Wood; digital colorization by Chris Pooley, USDA/ARS

Scanning electron micrograph

Figure 2.Scanning electron micrograph of the single polar flagellum and corkscrew shape of C. jejuni. These morphologic characteristics contribute to the characteristic darting motility of C. jejuni in the viscous mucous layer of the intestinal lumen. Sean F. Altekruse National Cancer Institute, Rockville.

Electron microscope image of Campylobacters

Figure 3.Electron microscope image of Campylobacters by Jochen Reetz, Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR), Germany

The size of a cell is roughly 0.2–0.8 x 0.5–5 µm and, in culture, they can undergo morphological change from spiral to spherical. Most species are catalase- and oxidase-positive,7 with the exception of the catalase-negative C. sputorumC. concisusC. mucosalis and C. helveticus. The metabolism of Campylobacter is chemoorganotrophic, with amino acids and intermediates of the citric acid cycle serving as energy sources; typical carbohydrates cannot be used. Campylobacter reduce nitrate to nitrite, obtaining oxygen for their metabolism by this pathway. These distinctive metabolic reactions can be used for the differentiation and identification of Campylobacter species (Table 1). Commercially available tests are listed in Tables 2 and 3.

Table of differentiating characteristics of Campylobacter

Table 1.Table of differentiating characteristics of Campylobacter species and subspecies

Campylobacter testProduct No.
Catalase Test88597
Hippurate Disks40405
Hydrogen Sulfide Test Strips06728
Indoxyl Strips04739
Nitrate Reagent A38497
Nitrate Reagent B39441
Nitrate Reagent Disks08086
Oxidase Test70439
Oxidase Strips40560
Oxidase Reagent acc. Gaby-Hadley A07345
Oxidase Reagent acc. Gaby-Hadley B07817
Oxidase Reagent acc. Gordon-McLeod18502
Table 2.Tests for identification and differentiation of Campylobacter
Gram stainProduct No.
Gram staining kit77730
Gram‘s crystal violet solution94448
Gram‘s decolorizer solution75482
Gram’s fuchsin solution87794
Gram‘s iodine solution90107
Gram‘s safranin solution94635
Table 3.Gram staining kits and single solutions

Campylobacter are generally fastidious microorganisms and grow only on complex media that have been amended with diverse essential amino acids and supplements, such as pyruvate, a-ketoglutarate, hemin, formate and other essential ions. For selective isolation of Campylobacter, the growth media can be supplemented with antibiotics like cefoperazone, vancomycin, trimethoprim, amphotericin, cycloheximide, rifampicin, cefsulodin and polymyxin B sulfate. We offer a broad range of specific agars and broths for the detection, identification, differentiation, enumeration and cultivation of Campylobacter (Table 4).

Nonselective mediaProduct No.
Tryptic Soy Broth, Vegitone41298
Columbia Agar27688
Tryptic Soy Agar, Vegitone14432
Tryptic Soy Broth22092
CASO Agar22095
Tryptic Soy Broth No. 251228
Tryptic Soy Agar22091
Tryptic Soy Agar Plates (Diameter 55 mm)57994
CASO Broth22098
Nonselective nedia with differential system 
Blood Agar Base No. 2
Hippurate Broth53275
OF Test Nutrient Agar75315
Selective media with differential system 
MacConkey Agar No. 1
Campylobacter selective media 
Bolton Broth Base
Karmali Campylobacter Agar (Base)17152
Brucella Broth BaseB3051
Campylobacter Selective Agar (Base)21378
Park and Sanders Enrichment Broth (Base)17189
Blood-free Campylobacter Selective Agar BaseB2426
Table 4.Media for Campylobacter (detection, differentiation, and identification )

More details about our products for analytical microbiology.

Class:Epsilon Proteobacteria
Table 5.Scientific classification of Campylobacter

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Campylobacter jejuni Current Status and Future Trends. Nachamkin, I., Blaser, M. J., Tompkins, L. S., eds., American Society for Microbiology: Washington, DC (1992).
Tauxe, R. V., Hargrett-Bean, N., Patton, C. M., Wachsmuth, I. K., Campylobacter isolates in the United States, 1982 – 86. Morbid. Mortal. Weekly Rep. (1988), 37, 1–13.
Butzler, J. P., Campylobacter Infection in Man and Animals. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL (1984)..
Linton D, Owen R, Stanley J. 1996. Rapid identification by PCR of the genus Campylobacter and of five Campylobacter species enteropathogenic for man and animals. Research in Microbiology. 147(9):707-718.
Patton CM, Shaffer N, Edmonds P, Barrett TJ, Lambert MA, Baker C, Perlman DM, Brenner DJ. 1989. Human disease associated with "Campylobacter upsaliensis" (catalase-negative or weakly positive Campylobacter species) in the United States.. 27(1):66-73.
Tee W, Anderson BN, Ross BC, Dwyer B. 1987. Atypical campylobacters associated with gastroenteritis.. 25(7):1248-1252.
Ryan, K. J. and Ray C. G., Eds., Sherris Medical Microbiology, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill: New York, NY (2004), 378 – 80.
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