- [In vitro transformation of human amniotic fluid cells in the presence of fecalase. Method for detecting environmental chemicals with oncogenic potential].
[In vitro transformation of human amniotic fluid cells in the presence of fecalase. Method for detecting environmental chemicals with oncogenic potential].
Comptes rendus des seances de la Societe de biologie et de ses filiales (1982-01-01)
M Aranda, J L Dorange, C Turc, E Flori, J P Zahnd
A short-term method for detecting potential environmental carcinogens is described using in vitro transformation assay of human epithelial-like amniotic fluid cells. According to Styles, after a short exposition to the carcinogen, only transformed cells grow and form large colonies when cultured in semi-solid agar. In our assay addition of liver homogenate was not necessary to activate the carcinogens. Nevertheless adjunction to the exposure medium of human fecalase (after Ames) is advised for studying carcinogenicity of food glycosides. Fecalase efficiency in metabolic activation of glycosidic compounds has been demonstrated in the use of 8-hydroxyquinoline-beta-D-glycopyranoside.