Indirect Co-culture of Embryonic Stem Cells with Embryonic Fibroblasts
A. Day 1
- Coat T-75 flasks with 10 mL of 0.1% gelatin in DPBS and incubate for at least 30 minutes at 37 °C.
- Thaw PMEF vial (s) quickly in a 37 °C water bath, transfer to 15 mL tube already containing 10 mL warm medium. Gently invert tube, and pellet cells at 4 °C, ~1000 rpm for approximately 4–5 minutes.
- Remove supernatant, resuspend cells, remove gelatin from plates/flasks, and aliquote feeder cell suspension per densities recommended below.
- Remove excess gelatin from flask prior to seeding.
- Seed flask with MEF feeder cell suspension: approximately 1.5 × 105 cells per mL MEF should result in 95% confluence within 24 hours.
- Incubate at 37 °C overnight.
B. Day 2
- Coat T-75 flasks with 10 mL of 0.1% gelatin in DPBS and incubate for at least 30 minutes at 37 °C.
- Thaw PMEF vial (s) quickly in a 37 °C water bath, transfer to 15 mL tube already containing 10 mL warm medium. Gently invert tube, and pellet cells at 4 °C, ~1000 rpm for approximately 4–5 minutes.
- Remove supernatant, resuspend cells, remove gelatin from plates/flasks, and aliquote feeder cell suspension per densities recommended below.
- Remove excess gelatin from flask prior to seeding.
- Seed flask with MEF feeder cell suspension: approximately 1.5 × 105 cells per mL MEF should result in 95% confluence within 24 hours.
- Incubate at 37 °C overnight.
C. Day 3
- Feed ESC on MEF feeder layer with fresh ESC media.
D. Day 4-8
- Feed ESC on MEF feeder layer with fresh ESC media or pass cells, at a 1:2 ratio, if required. (After thawing ESC, 2–3 passages are preferred before seeding onto a Millicell®-24 or Millicell® 96-well Cell Culture Insert Plate. Both cell types are lifted at once and passed on to a new T-75 containing inactivated MEF.) ESC colonies grown on Millicell®-96 Cell Culture Insert Plate 1.0 PET membrane, stained for alkaline phosphatase activity, after culturing via indirect co-culture with ESC in apical well, at a 200 cell per well seeding density, and MEF in the single-well feeder tray.
E. Day 9
- Feed ESC on MEF feeder layer with fresh ESC media.
- Coat Millicell®-24 or Millicell®-96 single-well feeder tray with approximately 5–10 mL of 25 µg/mL fibronectin in DPBS and incubate for 45 minutes at room temperature.
- Remove excess fibronectin from single-well tray.
- Thaw MEF using protocol from Day 1, section A.
- Seed fibronectin coated single-well tray with MEF cell suspension: approximately 1.67 × 106 MEF cells per single-well tray will result in 95% confluence within 24 hours.
- Cover with lid and incubate single-well tray at 37 °C overnight.
F. Day 10
- Lift ESC and MEF feeder cells from T-75 flasks:
- Wash flasks 2X with 10 mL of pre-warmed DPBS (incubate 1–2 minutes per wash).
- Remove DPBS and add 3 mL TrypLE and incubate at room temp for 2–3 minutes.
- Monitor detachment of cells with an inverted microscope and add ESC media to inactivate TrypLE.
- Mix well and wash flask wall to remove all cells from flask.
- Separate ESC from MEF feeder cells:
- Transfer ESC/MEF cell suspension to a new T-75 flask and incubate at 37 °C for 45 minutes.
- Remove non-adherent cells (ESC) and transfer to another new T-75 flask and incubate at 37 °C for 45 minutes.
- Remove non-adherent cells (ESC) again and seed cell culture filter plate wells with ESC suspension.
- Seed apical wells of the cell culture plates with ESC. Seed approximately 200–500 cells per well in 100 µL ESC media for Millicell®-96 plates and approximately 1000–1500 cells per well in 400 µL ESC media for Millicell®-24 plates.
- Remove media from the MEF seeded single-well trays and replace with approximately 28 32 mL ESC media.
- Combine ESC seeded cell culture filter plates to MEF seeded single-well trays.
- Incubate assembly at 37 °C overnight.
G. Day 12 and Day 14
- Feed ESC and MEF indirect co-culture with ESC media.
H. Day 16
- Analyze alkaline phosphatase activity to demonstrate that ESC is undifferentiated with an alkaline phosphatase detection kit.
Note: This protocol is designed to grow undifferentiated embryonic stem cells in an indirect co culture with the fibroblast feeder layer. Although it is targeted for use with Millicell®-24 and Millicell®-96 plates, this protocol can be used with Millicell® single-well inserts as well.
Materials and Reagents
- Millicell®-24 Cell Culture Insert Plates — Millipore cat. nos. PSHT010R5, PSRP010R5
- Millicell®-96 Cell Culture Insert Plates — Millipore Product No. PSRP004R5
- Primary mouse embryo fibroblasts (DMEF) — Millipore Product No. PMEF-CFL
- 129/S6 Murine embryonic stem cells (ESC) — Millipore Product No. SCR012
ESC Media:
- Knock out DMEM — Product No. SLM-220-B
- 20% ES qualified Serum — Product No. ES-009-B
- 1% Glutamax-1
- 1% PenStrep — Product No. TMS-ABZ-C
- 1% Non Essential Amino Acids — Product No. TMS-001-C
- 0.1% ESGRO® (LIF) — Product No. ESG1106
- 0.1% 2-mercaptoethanol — Product No. ES-007-E
MEF Media:
- DMEM — Millipore Product No. SLM-022-B
- 10% Fetal Bovine Serum — Millipore Product No. ES-009-B
- 1% Glutamax-1
- 1% PenStrep — Millipore Product No. TMS-ABZ-C
- 1% Non Essential Amino Acids — Millipore Product No. TMS-001-C
- Gelatin 2% Solution — Millipore Product No. SF008
- Mitomycin C powder — Sigma Product No. M4287
- DPBS — Millipore Product No. BSS-1005-B
- TrypLE™ Select (1X), liquid — Invitrogen Product No. 12563
- Tissue culture flasks and tubes
- Fibronectin Solution, 1mg/mL — Millipore Product No. FC010
Alkaline phosphatase detection kit — Millipore Product No. SCR004
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