- Dual-domain solute transfer and transport processes: evaluation in batch and transport experiments.
Dual-domain solute transfer and transport processes: evaluation in batch and transport experiments.
Soil macropore networks establish a dual-domain transport scenario in which water and solutes are preferentially channeled through soil macropores while slowly diffusing into and out of the bulk soil matrix. The influence of macropore networks on intra-ped solute diffusion and preferential transport in a soil typical of subsurface-drained croplands in the Midwestern United States was studied in batch- and column-scale experiments. In the batch diffusion studies with soil aggregates, the estimated diffusion radius (length) of the soil aggregates corresponded to the half-spacing of the aggregate fissures, suggesting that the intra-ped fissures reduced the diffusion impedance and preferentially allowed solutes to diffuse into the soil matrix. In the column-scale solute transport experiments, the average diffusion radius (estimated from HYDRUS-2D simulations and a first-order diffusive transfer term) was nearly double that of the batch-scale study. This increase may be attributed to a loss of pore continuity and a compounding of the small diffusion impedance through macropores at the larger scale. The column-scale solute transport experiments also suggest that two preferential networks exist in the soil. At and near soil saturation, a primary network of large macropores (possibly root channels and earthworm burrows) dominate advective transport, causing a high degree of physical and sorption nonequilibrium and simultaneous breakthrough of a nonreactive (bromide) and a reactive (alachlor) solute. As the saturation level decreases, the primary network drains, while transport through smaller macropores (possibly intra-ped features) continues, resulting in a reduced degree of nonequilibrium and separation in the breakthrough curves of bromide and alachlor.