- Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) and leukocyte elastase inhibitor/L-DNase II (LEI/LDNaseII), can interact to conduct caspase-independent cell death.
Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) and leukocyte elastase inhibitor/L-DNase II (LEI/LDNaseII), can interact to conduct caspase-independent cell death.
Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death (2013-05-16)
Chloé Leprêtre, Guergana Tchakarska, Hounayda Blibech, Cécile Lebon, Alicia Torriglia
Programmed cell death is an important factor in tissue homeostasis. Lot of work has been performed to characterize the caspase-dependent cell death. Caspase-independent cell death, although important in many physiological situations, is less investigated. In this work we show that two caspase-independent effectors of cell death, namely apoptosis-inducing factor and leukocyte elastase inhibitor derived DNase II interact and can cooperate to induce cell death. These results contribute to the knowledge of molecular pathways of cell death, an important issue in the development of new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of cancer or neurodegenerative diseases.