- Chromium removal from ion-exchange waste brines with calcium polysulfide.
Chromium removal from ion-exchange waste brines with calcium polysulfide.
Chromium removal from ion-exchange (IX) brines presents a serious challenge to the water industry. Although chromium removal with calcium polysulfide (CaS(5)) from drinking waters has been investigated somewhat, its removal from ion-exchange brines has not been evaluated to date. In this study, a Central Composite Design as well as experimental coagulation tests were performed to investigate the influence of pH, CaS(5)/Cr(VI) molar ratio, alkalinity, and ionic strength in the removal of chromium from IX brines. The optimal pH range for the process was found to be pH 8-10.3 and brine alkalinity did not affect coagulation. The efficiency of chromium removal improved only slightly when the ionic strength increased from 0.1 M to 1.5 M; no significant difference was observed for an ionic strength change from 1.5 to 2.1 M. For chromium (VI) concentrations typically found in ion-exchange brines, a CaS(5)/Cr(VI) molar ratio varying from 0.6 to 1.4 was needed to obtain a final chromium concentration <5 mg/L. Maximum efficiency for total chromium removal was obtained when oxidation reduction potentials were between -0.1 and 0 (V). Solids concentrations (0.2-1.5 g/L) were found to increase proportionally with CaS(5) dosage. The results of this research are directly applicable to the treatment of residual waste brines containing chromium.