- [The problem of the use of mercurials cosmetics in Senegal (author's transl)].
[The problem of the use of mercurials cosmetics in Senegal (author's transl)].
Toxicological European research. Recherche europeenne en toxicologie (1981-07-01)
G Gras, J Mondain
The use of skin-lightening preparations appears to be a problem for the coloured women in Africa as well as for the Black People in general. The mercurial creams occupy a place of choice into the most useful products for the skin depigmentation. An epidemiological study from twenty senegalese women using mercurials cosmetics has permitted to determine a mean value of 155,75 +/- 75,38 ppm Hg in scalp hair while the normal level is less than 10 ppm. An experimental study was realised with monkeys (Papio papio) treated with a soap containing mercuric biiodide. This study has shown, after only three months of experimentation, a significative augmentation of mercury levels in all the organs and specially in the kidneys and the hair.