
TRC Library Citations


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The MISSION® TRC1.5 human and mouse shRNA libraries are the proven performers for small-scale to high-throughput RNAi screening. Below you will find a selection of papers where researchers have published in peer-reviewed journals using the TRC1/1.5 library and have cited The Broad Institute or Sigma-Aldrich® as their source of high quality reagents. Unlike other shRNA libraries, the clones cited in these publications are the same clones available from Sigma-Aldrich. If a specific clone is not found in our catalog, please inquire here for availability.

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How to Cite the TRC Library

In scientific publications, the human library should be referred to as MISSION® TRC-Hs 1.0 (Human) while the mouse library should be referred to as MISSION® TRC-Mm 1.0 (Mouse). If your TRC library was purchased after July 2011, the human library should be referred to as MISSION® TRC-Hs 1.5 (Human) while the mouse library should be referred to as MISSION® TRC-Mm 1.5 (Mouse). If you experimented with our TRC2 library, the human library should be referred to as MISSION® TRC-Hs 2.0 (Human) while the mouse library should be referred to as MISSION® TRC-Mm 2.0 (Mouse).Individual clones should be identified by their unique TRC number (e.g. MISSION® TRC shRNA TRCN0000030720).

MISSION® shRNA Publications

Broad Publications

For questions about the library, pricing and quotes or other concerns, please e-mail us.

MISSION is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC Label License.

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