- Rapid assay for amino acids in serum or urine by pre-column derivatization and reversed-phase liquid chromatography.
Rapid assay for amino acids in serum or urine by pre-column derivatization and reversed-phase liquid chromatography.
Clinical chemistry (1982-03-01)
D C Turnell, J D Cooper
This method for estimating clinically important amino acids in serum or urine within 40 min involves o-phthalaldehyde/2-mercaptoethanol derivatization and reversed-phase "high-pressure" liquid chromatography. Homocysteic acid is an internal standard, and homoserine and norvaline are reference peaks. For all the amino acids estimated, the between-run coefficients of variation ranged from 2.0 to 13.5%, and the mean analytical recoveries from both serum and urine samples was 101%. Peak areas vary linearly with concentration up to 1500 mumol/L for all the amino acids assayed. The limit of detection for each amino acid was estimated to be 38 fmol.