
Movement of pendimethalin, ioxynil and soil particles to field drainage tiles.

Pest management science (2003-02-01)
Carsten T Petersen, Jesper Holm, Christian B Koch, Henry E Jensen, Søren Hansen

Knowledge of the movement of herbicides and soil particles to sub-surface tile drainage may help to predict chemical leaching to surface waters and deeper groundwater systems. The movement of pendimethalin (2 years), ioxynil (1 year) and soil particles (3 years) to two tile drains was investigated on a sandy loam soil under natural weather conditions. Herbicide and particle concentrations in the drain water showed a very dynamic pattern. The largest herbicide concentrations were detected during the first tile drain flow events after application. Very little herbicide was lost with drain water later than 2 months after application. The turbidity, reflecting concentrations of soil particles, correlated positively and strongly with the pendimethalin concentration and negatively with the rate of drain water discharge, whereas it was uncorrelated with the ioxynil concentration. Peak turbidity values occurred during or shortly after rainfall events, either in break of frost situations, or on unfrozen soil coinciding with the occurrence of peak moisture contents in the topsoil well (3-7%) above field capacity. On average, 0.0013% of the applied pendimethalin and 0.0015% of the applied ioxynil were lost with drain water. The results suggest that preferential flow promotes the movement of all three substances to the tile drains but indicate somewhat different transport mechanisms for the two herbicides.