  • Dipeptide synthesis by internal adenylation domains of a multidomain enzyme involved in nonribosomal peptide synthesis.

Dipeptide synthesis by internal adenylation domains of a multidomain enzyme involved in nonribosomal peptide synthesis.

The Journal of general and applied microbiology (2018-06-15)
Tomoko Abe, Kenta Kobayashi, Sho Kawamura, Tatsuya Sakaguchi, Kiwamu Shiiba, Michihiko Kobayashi

The adenylation domain of nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) is responsible for its selective substrate recognition and activation of the substrate (yielding an acyl-O-AMP intermediate) on ATP consumption. DhbF is an NRPS involved in bacillibactin synthesis and consists of multiple domains [adenylation domain, condensation domain, peptidyl carrier protein (PCP) domain, and thioesterase domain]; DhbFA1 and DhbFA2 (here named) are "internal" adenylation domains in the multidomain enzyme DhbF. We firstly succeeded in expressing and purifying the "internal" adenylation domains DhbFA1 and DhbFA2 separately. Furthermore, we initially demonstrated dipeptide synthesis by "internal" adenylation domains. When glycine and L-cysteine were used as substrates of DhbFA1, the formation of N-glycyl-L-cysteine (Gly-Cys) was observed. Furthermore, when L-threonine and L-cysteine were used as substrates of DhbFA2, N-L-threonyl-L-cysteine (Thr-Cys) was formed. These findings showed that both adenylation domains produced dipeptides by forming a carbon-nitrogen bond comprising the carboxyl group of an amino acid and the amino group of L-cysteine, although these adenylation domains are acid-thiol ligase using 4'-phosphopantetheine (bound to the PCP domain) as a substrate. Furthermore, DhbFA1 and DhbFA2 synthesized oligopeptides as well as dipeptides.