
A model of embolic chronic pulmonary hypertension in the dog.

Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology (1984-03-01)
I Shelub, A van Grondelle, R McCullough, S Hofmeister, J T Reeves

Despite numerous efforts, a reliable model of chronic embolic pulmonary hypertension has not been established. To develop such a model five conscious mongrel dogs were embolized repeatedly over 16-30 wk with Sephadex microspheres 286 +/- 70 micron in diameter. Hemodynamic and respiratory measurements were obtained just prior to each embolization. Chronic pulmonary hypertension developed in all dogs. Pulmonary hypertension was not accounted for by increased cardiac output, wedge pressure, right atrial pressure, or systemic arterial pressure. Gas exchange was little altered. Lung histological study revealed microspheres clustered within vessels. In three dogs increased pulmonary arterial pressure was sustained despite cessation of embolization for up to 5 mo. Reembolization in one of these caused further pulmonary hypertension. In two dogs acute pulmonary vasodilation by O2 breathing and administration of prostaglandin E1 reduced, but did not abolish, the increased pulmonary vascular resistance, suggesting some vascular tone was present. An embolic model of chronic pulmonary hypertension in awake dogs allows further investigation into the evolution of pulmonary hypertension.