
Control of laser plasma accelerated electrons for light sources.

Nature communications (2018-04-08)
T André, I A Andriyash, A Loulergue, M Labat, E Roussel, A Ghaith, M Khojoyan, C Thaury, M Valléau, F Briquez, F Marteau, K Tavakoli, P N'Gotta, Y Dietrich, G Lambert, V Malka, C Benabderrahmane, J Vétéran, L Chapuis, T El Ajjouri, M Sebdaoui, N Hubert, O Marcouillé, P Berteaud, N Leclercq, M El Ajjouri, P Rommeluère, F Bouvet, J -P Duval, C Kitegi, F Blache, B Mahieu, S Corde, J Gautier, K Ta Phuoc, J P Goddet, A Lestrade, C Herbeaux, C Évain, C Szwaj, S Bielawski, A Tafzi, P Rousseau, S Smartsev, F Polack, D Dennetière, C Bourassin-Bouchet, C De Oliveira, M-E Couprie

With gigaelectron-volts per centimetre energy gains and femtosecond electron beams, laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) is a promising candidate for applications, such as ultrafast electron diffraction, multistaged colliders and radiation sources (betatron, compton, undulator, free electron laser). However, for some of these applications, the beam performance, for example, energy spread, divergence and shot-to-shot fluctuations, need a drastic improvement. Here, we show that, using a dedicated transport line, we can mitigate these initial weaknesses. We demonstrate that we can manipulate the beam longitudinal and transverse phase-space of the presently available LWFA beams. Indeed, we separately correct orbit mis-steerings and minimise dispersion thanks to specially designed variable strength quadrupoles, and select the useful energy range passing through a slit in a magnetic chicane. Therefore, this matched electron beam leads to the successful observation of undulator synchrotron radiation after an 8 m transport path. These results pave the way to applications demanding in terms of beam quality.


Yttrium aluminum oxide, nanopowder, <150 nm particle size (TEM), 99% trace metals basis