- Human oocyte-derived sperm chemoattractant is a hydrophobic molecule associated with a carrier protein.
Human oocyte-derived sperm chemoattractant is a hydrophobic molecule associated with a carrier protein.
To characterize the nature of the human oocyte-derived chemoattractant. Laboratory in vitro study. Academic research institute. Ten healthy sperm donors. Oocyte-conditioned media from women undergoing IVF treatment because of male factor infertility. Sperm samples were processed by the migration-sedimentation technique. Oocyte-conditioned media were collected 2-3 hours after oocyte stripping. Sperm chemotaxis was assayed in a μ-slide chamber according to the direction of swimming relative to that of the chemical gradient. Oocyte-conditioned media treated with proteases did not lose their chemotactic activity; on the contrary, they became more active, with the activity shifted to lower concentrations. When oocyte-conditioned media were subjected to hexane extraction, chemotactic activity was found in both the hydrophobic and aqueous phases. Known mammalian sperm chemoattractants were ruled out as oocyte-derived chemoattractants. Our results suggest that the oocyte-derived chemoattractant is a hydrophobic nonpeptide molecule that, in an oocyte-conditioned medium, is associated with a carrier protein that enables its presence in a hydrophilic environment.