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Calculators & Apps
Calculators & Apps
Enterobacteriaceae in Food
General guidance for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae in food according to EN-ISO 8523:1991 and EN-ISO 4832:1991, respectively.
HPLC Analysis of Fumaric, Oxalic, and Citric Acid on SeQuant ZIC-HILIC
Separation of Fumaric acid; Oxalic acid; Citric acid
AliCE® Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Kit Quick Start Guide
Follow these five quick steps to perform cell-free protein synthesis using the ALiCE® protein expression plant lysate kit.
ALiCE®Cell-Free Protein Synthesis System Protocol
Achieve high protein yields with the ALiCE® Cell-Free Protein Synthesis System that allows you to obtain “difficult to produce” proteins in a matter of hours instead of weeks.
Antibody Drug Conjugate Mimic Enables LC-MS Method Development Without Risk
Here we show how LC and MS methods may be optimized using a non-toxic surrogate of the ADC, an “ADC-mimic”, that behaves very similarly to the Cys-linked ADC Adcetris (Seattle Genetics).
Tambar Group – Professor Product Portal
The Tambar Group has developed a series of reactions to convert unactivated olefins into value-added products (e.g., allylic amination, allylic alkylation).
F&F Ingredients
Get your copy of the latest Flavor & Fragrance Ingredients Application Guide, which brings you accurate and descriptive application information on a select number of our products.
Vendrell Group – Professor Product Portal
Optical imaging has revolutionized our understanding of how biological systems behave at a molecular level. In our group we develop Dynamic Activatable Fluorophores (DYNAFLUORS) as chemical probes to image molecular events associated to inflammation and cancer.
Iodine in Table Salt
Analytical Method: Iodine in table salt
HPLC Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMES) on SUPELCOSIL LC-18
Separation of Methyl decanoate; Methyl dodecanoate; Methyl myristate; Methyl palmitate; Methyl caprylate; Methyl oleate; Methyl linoleate; Methyl linolenate; Methyl stearate
Precast Agarose Gels
These gels are suitable for separating nucleic acids, giving sharp DNA bands and low background fluorescence.
Mila Emerald
A researcher based in Canada, Professor Dr. Mila Emerald has a distinguished background in nanotechnology and drug development – she told us how she got where she is today.
cOmplete™, EDTA-free Protocol
It is possible dissolve 1 tablet in 2 mL double dist. water (results in a 25x stock solution) without any problems.
Considerations for Upstream Biologic Development: White Paper Access
Thank you for your interest in our white paper. Please fill out the form below to download the PDF.
Ramis Arbi
Working in the field of photovoltaics, Ph.D. candidate Ramis Arbi tells us about the challenges of breaking free from fossil fuels.
Milli-Q® Water Purification Consumables
Thank you for your interest in the Milli-Q® consumables offering.
Christian Nwosu
At the University of Regina in Canada, Christian Nwosu is striving towards cheap and abundant hydrogen fuel – he tells us all about his methods and what inspires him.
Enzymatic Method for Determining Phenylalanine (Phenylalanine Assay)
Assay protocol for the fluorometric detection of Phenylalanine in biological samples using the phenylalanine assay kit.
Fahad Shafiq
Having recently completed his Ph.D., Dr. Fahad Shafiq is on a mission to boost crop productivity and feed our growing global population – here he tells us about his inspiration.
GenElute™-E Single Spin DNA/RNA Purification Sample Request
GenElute™-E Single Spin nucleic acid purification system eliminates the need for high salt binding and ethanol wash steps, yielding DNA and RNA preparations with fewer impurities for more robust results.
Request More Information about Milli-Q® Ultrapure Water Solutions
Thank you for your interest in our Ultrapure Water Purification Solutions
TSCA 8 Notification
Submit notification of unreported health effect
Bioreactor Scalability: White Paper Access
Thank you for your interest in our white paper. Please fill out the form below to download the PDF.
Buchwald Group – Professor Product Portal
The Buchwald group has developed a series of highly active and versatile palladium precatalysts and biarylphosphine ligands used in cross-coupling reactions for the formation of C-C, C–N, C–O, C–F, C–CF3, and C–S bonds. The ligands are electron-rich, and highly tunable
Grayson Group – Professor Product Portal
The Grayson research labs have focused on the synthesis and characterization of well-defined polymers. One particular theme of research has involved the optimization of the mass spectral analysis of polymers using MALDI-TOF MS and associated calibration methodologies.
Cornella Group – Professor Product Portal
The main focus of the Cornella research group is the development of rapid, practical and efficient methodologies for organic synthesis. In addition to efficiency and practicality, the group is highly interested in discovering new reactivity with the aim of unveiling
Zhang Group – Professor Product Portal
The major research thrust in Professor Liming Zhang’s group is homogeneous gold catalysis ranging from discovery of novel reactivities, design of new ligands, development of versatile synthetic methods and application in natural product synthesis.
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