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WellRED Oligos

Designed for use with the CEQ/GeXP Genetic Analysis Systems, we are pleased to offer WellRED dye-labeled oligos under our license from Beckman Coulter, Inc. In addtion to their designed application, these labeled oligos may also be used in direct hybridization or PCR amplification. WellRED dye-labeled oligos are DNA oligonucleotides labeled with WellRED dyes, D2, D3 or D4, at the 5'end.

WellRED Specifiations

YieldsCartridge: 2 and 4 OD
HPLC: 5, 10, 50 and 100 OD
PurificationCartridge, HPLC
Length15 – 30 bases (inquire for longer lengths)
FormatSupplied Dry
ModificationsD2-PA, D3-PA or D4-PA at the 5’end
Packaging2 mL Opaque Tubes
Quality ControlsMALDI-TOF MS, Electrospray Ionization MS, OD by UV Spectroscopy
Technical Datasheet & LabelsIncludes yield, Tm (melting temperature), MW, and µg/OD
Duplicate set of labels with each order
Additional ServicesAliquoting into tubes
MSQC traces available upon request
Shipping ScheduleShipped within 4 to 5 business days

Benefits of WellRED Dye Chemistry

  • WellRED oligos use cyanine-based fluorescent dyes with high extinction coefficients that absorb in the near-infrared region, thereby reducing background noise from biological materials, resulting in highly sensitive detection.
  • The CEQ/GeXP Genetic Analysis Systems enable DNA samples to be kept in linear form during analysis. The CEQ/GeXP Genetic Analysis Systems' online denaturation process prevents any reformation of secondary structures, especially during a long run without any manual steps.
  • WellRED dye chemistry and pre-heating enable the CEQ/GeXP Genetic Analysis Systems to resolve complex structures, where other systems fail.

Yields and Estimated Number of Assays

Yield (OD)24510
Approx. yield (nmols*)10202550
Estimated assays (reactions)1,000-2,0002,000-4,0002,500-5,0005,000-10,000

*Estimate 1 OD = 5 nmols = 30 µg, for a 20 base oligo

Spectral Properties of WellRED Dyes

WellRED OligoExcitation maximum (nm)Emission maximum (nm)Molar extinction coefficient
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