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Showing 1-30 of 5791 results
Diagnostic immunohistochemistry
Diagnostic immunohistochemistry
SMCxPRO™ Immunoassay Instrument and SMC™ Kits
High Sensitivity Protein Measurement at the fg/mL level
Synonym: SMC, Singulex, single molecule counting, xPRO
Calculators & Apps
Calculators & Apps
Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in Food and Environmental Samples
Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food and environmental samples according to ISO 11290-1, FDA-BAM and USDA-FSIS
The possible causes and potential remedies for challenges encountered as a result of blocking, washing, antibody incubation, and detection/exposure of Western blots
RPC Purification Options and Scale up with SOURCE™ Media
The different stages of working with SOURCE™ (Cytiva) for high-resolution separation are discussed, from purification to polishing and scaling up
GenomePlex Whole Genome Amplification Kit Protocol (WGA1)
GenomePlex is a Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) method that allows the researcher to generate a representative, 500-fold amplification of genomic DNA
Forskolin-Induced Swelling Assays
A rapid in vitro assay for CFTR function, the forskolin-induced swelling protocol uses human colon organoids, which can be derived from cystic fibrosis patient tissue.
GC Analysis of Sweet Orange Essential Oil on SLB®-5ms (10 m x 0.10 mm I.D., 0.10 µm), Fast GC Analysis
GC Analysis of Sweet Orange Essential Oil on SLB®-5ms (10 m x 0.10 mm I.D., 0.10 μm), Fast GC Analysis
LPL Activity Assay Protocol
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) hydrolyzes triglycerides associated with VLDL.
cOmplete™ His-Tag Purification Resin Protocol & Troubleshooting
cOmplete™ His-Tag Purification Resin Protocol & Troubleshooting
Trovitch Group – Professor Product Portal
The Trovitch laboratory is working to develop first-row transition metal catalysts that can be used to achieve a variety of organic transformations. The first complexes from this group made available through Sigma-Aldrich are the hydrosilylation catalysts, (Ph2PPrPDI)Mn and (Ph2PPrDI)Ni. Although
Weaver Group – Professor Product Portal
Organofluorine chemistry is an essential part of drug discovery programs as well as agrochemical programs and even plays a major role in materials chemistry. Despite the undeniable importance of fluorinated organic molecules, our ability to synthesize these substrates is lacking
Yudin Group – Professor Product Portal
The Yudin laboratory is known for the development of amphoteric molecules and their application in synthesis. The corresponding reagents possess nucleophilic and electrophilic functional groups that do not prematurely react with each other.
Birman Group – Professor Product Portal
The main focus of research in the Birman group is on the de novo design of asymmetric catalysts and reagents. As part of this effort, they have developed Amidine-Based Catalysts, or ABCs, and demonstrated their high enantioselectivity in many asymmetric
Skrydstrup Group – Professor Product Portal
The Skrydstrup group has developed reagents and glassware for carrying out transition metal catalyzed carbonylations in a simple and safe manner.
Yamamoto Group – Professor Product Portal
The Yamamoto group has employed several applications in catalysis.
Zhang Group – Professor Product Portal
The major research thrust in Professor Liming Zhang’s group is homogeneous gold catalysis ranging from discovery of novel reactivities, design of new ligands, development of versatile synthetic methods and application in natural product synthesis.
Ritter Group – Professor Product Portal
The Ritter lab currently focuses on fluorination chemistry for late-stage functionalization of complex natural and unnatural products. PhenoFluor™ has been developed as a general reagent for the selective, predictable, direct deoxyfluorination of complex alcohols and phenols.
Rovis Group – Professor Product Portal
The Rovis group is interested in a broad scope of catalytic reactions and employs both metal and non-metal catalysts to achieve them.
Sharpless Group – Professor Product Portal
The Sharpless Lab pursues useful new reactivity and general methods for selectively controlling chemical reactions.
Strauss Group – Professor Product Portal
The Strauss group has been among the leaders in the synthesis and applications of new superweak anions for the past three decades.
Stahl Group – Professor Product Portal
he Stahl Lab focuses on the development of catalysts and catalytic reactions for selective oxidation of organic molecules, with particular emphasis on aerobic oxidation reactions.
Stephenson Group – Professor Product Portal
Research in the Stephenson lab focuses upon the development of new chemical methods which enable the activation of chemical bonds under mild reaction conditions.
Bobbitt Group – Professor Product Portal
Dr. James Bobbitt has been developing the chemistry of oxoammonium salts, such as Bobbitt's Salt (Product 745537), for 30 years. He discovered the oxoaommonium chemistry by accident in 1985 and found that it had been started by a fine Russian
Christian Nwosu
At the University of Regina in Canada, Christian Nwosu is striving towards cheap and abundant hydrogen fuel – he tells us all about his methods and what inspires him.
Samantha Green
Samantha Green tells us about her work on dual catalysis at the Scripps Research Institute and the need to pursue crazy ideas.
Ayse Turak
Dr. Ayse Turak followed the curiosity cultivated by her parents all the way to her current project: helping satellite communications break through the clouds.
Michael Crocker
Michael Crocker tells us about his prize-winning work at Vanderbilt University and his constant desire to keep learning.
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