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Showing 1-30 of 2045 results
Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent mitogen for hepatocytes and a variety of other cells, including endothelial and epithelial cells, melanocytes, and keratinocytes.
Detect, Visualize and Quantify Single Post-Translational Modifications
Sigma-Aldrich presents a Biofiles on Detect, Visualize and Quantify Single Post-Translational Modifications
Nanodisc Technology: A Revolutionary System for Study of Membrane Proteins
Read our article about how the Nanodisc system allows for structural studies of membrane proteins.
Fragmentation of chromatin in ChIP
Fragmentation of chromatin in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
ChemMatrix® Resin for solid phase peptide synthesis
ChemMatrix® is a proprietary, 100% PEG (polyethylene glycol) based resin from PCAS BioMatrix.
Inverted Organic Photovoltaic Devices Using Zinc Oxide Nanocomposites as Electron Transporting Layer Materials
Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) represent a low-cost, lightweight, and scalable alternative to conventional solar cells. While significant progress has been made in the development of conventional bulk heterojunction cells, new approaches are required to achieve the performance and stability necessary to
Cell Culture Protocol 5: Subculture of Suspension Cell Lines
Cell culture protocol for passaging and splitting suspension cell lines
Custom Services
We are the exclusive distributor of the TRC shRNA library clones in DNA or lentiviral format and many custom services are available.
Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Medium
Serum-free Mammary Epithelial Cell Growth Media optimized for the in vitro cultivation of epithelial cells from the mammary gland. Protocols for handling, cell passaging, media, and product use.
Quantum Dots: An Emerging Class of Soluble Optical Nanomaterials
We presents an article concering Quantum Dots: An Emerging Class of Soluble Optical Nanomaterials.
Silver Nanomaterials for Biological Applications
Silver nanomaterials have unique physical, chemical, and optical properties that are currently being leveraged for a wide variety of biological applications.
Critical Micelle Concentrations (CMCs) - Avanti® Polar Lipids
The critical micelle concentration (CMC) can be approximately defined as the lipid monomer concentration at which appreciable amounts (>5% of total) of micellar aggregates first begin to appear in the equilibrium: nM1Mn
Aggregation-induced Emission Luminogens for Non-doped Organic Light-emitting Diodes
Organic Light-emitting Diodes (OLEDs) are solid-state devices that transform electrical energy into light. OLEDs are considered the next generation technology for high-resolution flexible displays and solid state lighting, attracting intense scientific and industrial interest.
High-Performance Semiconductor Polymers Based on Diketopyrrolopyrrole and Thienothiophene
The development of high-performance conjugated organic molecules and polymers has received widespread attention in industrial and academic research.
L-15 Media Formulation
L-15 Media Formulation
C-O Cross-Coupling of Activated Aryl and Heteroaryl Halides with Aliphatic Alcohols
JosiPhos CyPF-tBu and palladium give catalyst for alkoxylation of activated heteroaryl halides with primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols
Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation
The use of transfer hydrogenation to reduce alkenes, carboxyl groups, ketones, or imines has become very popular.
Lithium Aminoborohydride (LAB) Reagents
Lithium aminoborohydride (LAB) reagents are a new class of powerful and selective reagents developed in the laboratory of Professor Bakthan Singaram at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Discovery and Single Crystal Growth of Lanthanide Intermetallics—Interplay of Synthesis and Physical Properties
Solid state and materials chemistry have made a tremendous impact and have experienced growth in recent years, particularly for rare earthcontaining materials.
Chemistry in (Bio)Materials Science
"Click" Chemistry in (Bio)Materials Science
Soluble Pentacene Precursors
Fabrication procedure of organic field effect transistor device using a soluble pentacene precursor.
Downloadable 96 Well Plate Templates
We offer downloadable and printable 24, 48 & 96 well plate templates in PDF, JPG, PNG and SVG formats for design experiments performed in a well plate
F-12 Coon's Modification Formulation
F-12 Coon's Modification Formulation
Peptide Impurities
Peptide Impurities
Drug Conjugate Analysis using β-Glucuronidases
Drug conjugate analysis and the enzymatic hydrolysis of glucuronides
Ring-Closing Alkyne Metathesis (RCAM)
Alkyne metathesis has been a useful tool for C–C bond formation since the discovery of structurally well-defined metal alkylidynes by Schrock and coworkers.
Deoxyfluorination with 2-Pyridinesulfonyl Fluoride (PyFluor)
The prevalence of organofluorine compounds in industry and drug design necessitates the ability to introduce C–F bonds to molecules.
Primary Human Preadipocytes and Preadipocyte/Adipocyte Growth & Differentiation Media
Primary human white preadipocytes and culture media for the expansion of undifferentiated preadipocytes, differentiation to adipocytes, and cultivation of mature adipocytes. Protocols for handling, cell passaging, media, and product use.
The possible causes and potential remedies for challenges encountered as a result of blocking, washing, antibody incubation, and detection/exposure of Western blots
Protected Carbohydrate Building Blocks for More Efficient Syntheses
Carbohydrates and their biologically active glycoconjugate analogs are emerging as an important class of biomolecules.
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