- A new plating medium for the isolation of enteric pathogens. II. Comparison of hektoen enteric agar with SS and EMB agar.
A new plating medium for the isolation of enteric pathogens. II. Comparison of hektoen enteric agar with SS and EMB agar.
During this study, 2,855 stool specimens from patients at Cook County Hospital were cultured for enteric pathogens. Hektoen Enteric Agar (HE) was compared with E M B and S S Agars by replicate samplings with both direct and indirect methods. Shigella species were recovered more than twice as often on HE Agar as on S S Agar by both methods. With the direct method only, out of 98 Shigella isolated, 97 were isolated from HE Agar, 74 were recovered from E M B Agar, and 40 were found on S S Agar. In addition, HE yielded better isolation of Salmonella strains than did S S or E M B by either direct or indirect methods. The greater efficiency of HE medium is discussed with respect to colonial recognition of enteric pathogens.