FBS - Fetal Bovine Serum & Fetal Calf Serum

Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is the most widely-used growth supplement for cell culture media. When used at appropriate concentrations, it supplies many defined and undefined components that have been shown to satisfy specific metabolic requirements for the culture of cells. FBS is a complex mixture of biomolecules that includes growth factors, proteins, trace elements, vitamins, and hormones that are important for the growth and maintenance of cells in vitro culture.
Our FBS selection categories make it easy to choose an FBS product suitable for any cell culture application, based on relevant parameters such as γ-irradiation, geographic origin, suitability for hybridoma or insect culture, need for heat-inactivation, or special application testing.
If you are using FBS, media, or reagents from Gibco or Life Technologies/Invitrogen, click here to find our replacement product number.

FBS Classic
FBS products that are suitable for general cell culture applications are collected in the FBS Classic portfolio. These products include serum products that have the following attributes:
- Must pass rigorous testing of up to 48 defined quality release parameters, including endotoxin and hemoglobin
- Dialyzed
- Charcoal-stripped
- 0.1 μm triple-filtered
- USA, USDA, Canada, Australia, and other origin

FBS Premier
For customers using FBS in a biomanufacturing process. Products are manufactured using select raw materials at specialist facilities, frequently employing Single Use Disposal technologies.
FBS Premier products are supported by enhanced levels of documentation, including EDQM Certificates of Suitability. They are also QC tested and released to enhanced levels, especially after being Gamma Irradiated using our validated SER-TAIN process.
- Stringent testing and release procedures based on internationally recognized regulatory guidelines
- Intended Use: For Research or Further Manufacturing
- USA, Australia, and New Zealand origin

FBS Select
Products designated FBS Select are pre-qualified for specialized cell and tissue culture including supplementation of stem cells, cardiomyocytes, and cells cultured for the development of immunotherapeutics. FBS Select products include sera that are:
- EmbryoMax® ES (embryonic stem) cell-qualified
- Mesenchymal stem cell-qualified
- HL-1 cell-screened
- Ultra-low IgG
- Dialyzed by ultrafiltration
- FBS Superior, EU approved
To learn more about how our FBS will work in your application, click here to request a sample.
Related Resources
- Article: Serum for Cell and Tissue Culture FAQs
Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about FBS and other serum products, and links to related products.
- Article: HL-1 Cells
HL-1 cell research support includes culture plates, media, and Cryovials, providing a complete offering for research needs.
- Article: Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Culture Procedures & Protocols
Stem Cell protocols for cryopreservation, thawing of cryopreserved stem cells and media preparation.
- Article: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Culture Protocols
Information about mesenchyme, specifically mesenchymal stem cell procotols. Step-by-step cell culture protocols for mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) isolation, expansion and differentiation.
- Article: Cryopreservation of Cell Lines
Cell culture protocol for freezing cell lines at high cell viabilities using cryopreservation reagents such as DMSO. Cryopreservation is a method whereby cells are frozen, maintaining their viability, until they are defrosted months or years later.
- Article: Thawing of Frozen Cell Lines
Cell culture protocol for proper thawing of cryopreserved cell lines.
- Technical Bulletin: Quality Control Sterility Testing of Serum Products
All test media and processes have been validated and growth promotion testing is performed on each lot of test media.
- Technical Bulletin: Organisms Inactivated by Gamma Irradiation at 25—35 kGy
A list of organisms inactivated by gamma irradiation at 25 - 35 kGy.
- Technical Bulletin: Using PCR to Detect Viral Agents in Animal Sera
This validated process provides greater assurance that any existing low levels of microbes will be inactivated or reduced and the risks associated with animal-derived components are minimized.
- Technical Bulletin: Storing and Thawing Serum
The recommended storage temperature is -10 to -40 °C. At temperatures below -40 °C, the bottles may become brittle resulting in an increased risk of breakage.
- Technical Bulletin: Microbe Selection for the SER- TAIN™ Process Validation
Those used in the SER-TAIN™ Gamma Irradiation Serum Validation were carefully selected to represent a wide range of organisms that are potential contaminants of serum products arising from either the starting material itself or from the processing environment.
- Product Information: Preparation of Charcoal-Stripped and Heat-Inactivated Fetal Calf Serum
Preparation of charcoal-stripped serum.
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