- A novel technique to determine an 'apparent ke0 ' value for use with the Marsh pharmacokinetic model for propofol.
A novel technique to determine an 'apparent ke0 ' value for use with the Marsh pharmacokinetic model for propofol.
Debate continues over the most appropriate blood-brain equilibration rate constant (ke0) for use with the Marsh pharmacokinetic model for propofol. We aimed to define the optimal ke0 value. Sixty-four patients were sedated with incremental increases in effect-site target concentration of propofol while using six different ke0 values within the range 0.2-1.2 min(-1). Depth of sedation was assessed by measuring visual reaction time. A median 'apparent ke0' value of 0.61 min(-1) (95% CI 0.37-0.78 min(-1)) led to the greatest probability of achieving a stable clinical effect when the effect-site target was fixed at the effect-site concentration displayed by the target-controlled infusion system, at the time when a desired depth of sedation had been reached. By utilising a clinically relevant endpoint to derive this value, inter-individual pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability may be accounted for.