- Double photoionization of thiophene and bromine-substituted thiophenes.
Double photoionization of thiophene and bromine-substituted thiophenes.
The Journal of chemical physics (2008-12-24)
P Linusson, L Storchi, F Heijkenskjöld, E Andersson, M Elshakre, B Pfeifer, M Colombet, J H D Eland, L Karlsson, J-E Rubensson, F Tarantelli, R Feifel
We report the double photoionization spectra of thiophene, 3-bromothiophene, and 3,4-dibromothiophene using a coincidence spectroscopy technique based on electron time-of-flight measurements. Spectra have been recorded between the onset and 40.814 eV using He IIalpha radiation. The He I photoelectron spectrum of 3,4-dibromothiophene has also been measured. All the spectra have been analyzed and interpreted in detail on the basis of theoretical simulations from accurate Green's function calculations.