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gamma-Glutamylcyclotransferase: inhibition by D-beta-aminoglutaryl-L-alanine and analysis of the solvent kinetic isotope effect.

European journal of biochemistry (1989-09-01)
M J York, M J Crossley, S J Hyslop, M L Fisher, P W Kuchel

Spin-echo NMR spectroscopy was used to record the cleavage of a gamma-glutamyl--amino-acid by (5-L-glutamyl)-L-amino-acid 5-glutamyltransferase (cyclizing) (gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase) in human erythrocyte hemolysates. The Michaelis-Menten steady-state kinetic parameters were obtained by fitting the integrated Michaelis-Menten equation to the reaction time curves. The product, L-5-oxoproline, was shown to be an inhibitor of the reaction. The active site of the enzyme was probed by studies of the inhibition by D- and L-beta-aminoglutaryl-L-alanine which are the beta-amino-acid isomers of D- and L-gamma-glutamyl-L-alanine (the latter being a natural substrate of the enzyme); the D-isomer was the more potent inhibitor (Ki = 0.30 +/- 0.02 mmol/l water). When the alanyl alpha-carboxyl of the inhibitor was reduced to a hydroxyl (i.e. to give D-beta-aminoglutaryl-L-alaninol) the potency of inhibition was reduced. The previously reported kinetic isotope effect of solvent 2H2O on the enzyme-catalyzed reaction has been further studied using a proton inventory. We propose that the solvent kinetic isotope effect is due to an intramolecular proton transfer between the glutamyl amino group and the peptide bond nitrogen.