- Severe impairment in adenine metabolism with a partial deficiency of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase.
Severe impairment in adenine metabolism with a partial deficiency of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase.
Among three unrelated patients with recurrent 2,8-dihydroxyadenine urolithiasis, two completely lacked adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) in both erythrocytes and proliferative T cells. The third patient possessed significant enzyme activities in both hemolysates and T-cell extracts at levels comparable to heterozygotes for complete APRT deficiency. Despite significant APRT activities in cell extracts, cultured T cells from the third patient were at least 100-fold more resistant than normal T cells to an adenine analog, 6-methylpurine, whose cytotoxicity is dependent on APRT. These data indicate that APRT activity in T cells from the third patient is positive in cell extracts, but apparently not operating in viable cells. Although the cells from the patients with complete APRT deficiency were as resistant to 6-methylpurine as the cells from the third patient, the cells from the heterozygotes for complete APRT deficiency were almost as sensitive as normal T cells. Therefore, adenine metabolism in the third patient but not in the heterozygotes seems to be as severely impaired as in the patients with complete APRT deficiency, which is quite consistent with the clinical manifestations in these individuals.